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Title Match: Women and Judaism
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JO 814 A

Sarah's name stems from the word 'measured', and indeed she graced her life and all those she touched by using the most appropriate Midah at each situation. One area she was especially known for was Shalom. But how can we see this in light of the apparent cruelty she showed by chasing Hagar out of her home?

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JO 814 B
Sarah knew the exact balance when she urged Avraham to send Yishmael away. Mrs. Juravel examines the background, and how her precise solution was arrived at. Other moments of Sarah's binah are highlighted up to the end of her life - during the Akedah. Hear the inspiring traits of a beautiful woman who viewed every day as a good day.
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JO 815 A
Could Rivka and Yitzchak as parents have changed the outcome of Esav's misguided potential? Mrs. Juravel argues that there's room to say they could have. Hear how we can avoid the pitfalls of chinuch banim that even plagued the righteous Rivka and Yitzchak, and how our directed efforts can help our children better define themselves.
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JO 815 B

Doesn't Rivka’s character appear to be seriously flawed, by her scheming to have Yaakov snatch away Esav’s blessings? How could such a spiritually elevated person have intentionally fooled her righteous husband,to become  the role model of trickery in her upright son's eyes? Mrs. Juravel describes the incredible insight Rivka had into Yitzchak - and into all her children, in guiding them to achieve their greatest potential.


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LM 626 B
Miriam Levi combines timeless Jewish principles with applied modern psychology to help you establish a more calm and happy home.
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LO 696

If you have recently taken on a more Jewish way of life with a fervor, it may be a good idea to listen to this talk now, to save yourself a bit of aggravation and confrontation with family and friends. Hear seven points to help you share your enthusiasm without rocking the boat.

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MX 625 C
Doesn't it seem in today's society that it's getting easier and easier to dismiss the differences between men and women? Mrs. Bonnie Mansour takes a more down to earth view by making us laugh at ourselves using every day examples of where and how real dissimilarities express themselves. Hear her paint a beautiful picture of a loving home by balancing a couple's contrasting natures in ways that complement each other.
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TE 443 B

If we had even a faint idea of the light which women bring into the world by properly fulfilling their roles, we would all be happily rushing to help them with all their seemingly mundane tasks. A talk about reaching deveikus. Not to be missed.

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TE 913 H

In this inspiring series, Rabbi Ezriel Tauber and Rabbi Shimshon Pincus zt"l speak on contemporary issues that affect us all, such as bitachon & hishtadlus, marriage, Shabbos, and different ways we define ourselves. Don't miss this great collection.

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WD 630 C
Judaism lavishes high admiration for the accomplishments of our great women. Dinah Weinberg, at the risk of sounding like an Orthodox Jewish feminist, elaborates on great moments in our history when women sparkled their brightest. As a matter of fact, she even proves that behind every Jewish holiday stood a great woman who carried the day.
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