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Title Match: purim
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AG 715

In this masterful overview of the Jewish Calendar year, Rabbi Goldhar defines how 'Jewish time' really works by giving us a visual picture of how the 12 Jewish Holidays fit together as a unified, cyclical process of personal growth through the four seasons of the year.

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BX 553
For those who have heard the Megillah many times, the story is less than climactic. Yet Rebbetzin Braunstein makes the Purim story come alive by pointing to deeper layers between the words. Hear details of Esther's family history and a few finer distinctions of Hashem's involvement in what at first glance seems to be a simple tale of political backstabbing.
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HG 553
Rabbi Gogek traces the historical thread of Amalek from the beginning of man to the time Haman raised his diabolical head in the Purim story. What is the power of this dangerous nation, and what mighty character trait did Mordechai used to toss him to the gallows.
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JO 553 A

The Jews, during the Persian exile, seemed to be strong and pious. However, the deeper inner relationship between us and Hashem after the Churban was dead. Mrs Juravel reveals the ultimate lesson of the day and how a similar spiritual turn-about in your life is more of a possibility than you think.


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JO 553 B
The story of Esther’s triumphant success in saving her nation from complete annihilation came saddled with her own fierce personal struggle. This woman’s ability to see her place in God’s ultimate plan, and her decision to rise to the occasion despite her terrible personal sacrifice holds an important lesson for each of us.
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LA 555 A
This class is being posted a few days after its time. Rabbi Lopiansky's examination of Parshas Zachor will be great for hearing Megillas Esther in a new light. He examines deeper aspects of Amalek, and the implications of the Megillah's usage of the words hayom (today) and machar (tomorrow).
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ON 553 A
How can people prepare themselves for Purim before the festive day arrives? Rabbi Orlowek offers solid tips from several noteworthy Torah scholars who instruct us how to strengthen our bond with God on Purim day in very meaningful ways.
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ON 951
The story of Esther̢s success in saving her nation from annihilation came with a fierce personal struggle. Her ability to picture her destiny in God̢s ultimate plan, and her courageous will to fill that gap despite the terrible personal sacrifice holds important lessons we can all benefit from.
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TE 553 A
Purim celebrates the essence of a Jew. Haman succeeded in sanctifying our entire people once again, much as Hitler did, by attempting to erase His immense love by countering it with a parallel measure of hate.
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WG 555

If drinking excessively is frowned upon in general, why should getting drunk on Purim be any different? Also, the commandment to remember Amalek is very confusing - are we supposed to destroy his memory, or always keep it alive? Was it our fault that this archenemy came into existence in the first place? In this penetrating talk, Rabbi Wagensberg brings up all the questions surrounding the concept of the nemesis of the Jew. This talk is a winner.

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