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- Judaism mp3s

It is terribly difficult to understand the sin of the spies that gave over a negative report about the Land of Israel. Could it be possible these great people were motivated by their own honor? Rabbi Kahn gives a deeper understanding of why the heads of ten of the tribes wanted to stay in the desert, and proves his point by analyzing the silence of Joshua as the other ten slandered the land.

As we grow spiritually, we run into a great challenge. Won't following G-d's instructions to the letter cause a loss of identity and self? The paradoxical answer we learn from the story of the spies - although not understanding the full depth of what we're doing may seem to be a denial of individuality, in truth it will bring us in touch with our more developed self. How is this so?

The Land of Israel is a place that maximizes holiness and spiritual proclivities. Yet the spies only saw the external aspect of the land, missing the intense greatness within it. Learn what Yehoshua and Calev gained upon entering Eretz Yisrael, and gain powerful lessons about how to appreciate Israel and all it contains within it.

We are asked to set aside a portion of our dough for G-d. Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he uncovers the deeper meaning of bread and the two main desires that pull at the heart of man. What is the Divine expectation of us as humans in a physical world, and how does this understanding of living with Hashem in all aspects of our lives have to do with why the Jews had to wander in the desert for seventy years after rejecting the Land of Israel?