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- Judaism mp3s
To better understand who we are, first take a look at who we aren't. Rebbetzin Heller describes the Greek and Jewish cultures with a colorful reflection of contrasts. This will define the responsibilities of a Jew and also the privilege of carrying on the ideals our grandparents lived for, and also fought for.
Man is a confusing combination of Tzelem Elokim and imperfection which seem to be inseparable. How do we figure out which is which? Rebbetzin Heller explores the practical application of 'loving your friend as yourself,' and how we can affect others by speaking in ways which reach the basic needs that all humans respond to.
Rebbetzin Heller presents a sweeping view of where the education of our daughters is headed. She defines chinuch, what it means for them to become an 'Ezer Kenegdo,' and where secular influence has seeped into them. She brilliantly balances the seeming dichotomy of helping our daughters become true Bnos Yisrael, while fully developing their talents and strengths in all areas. The concluding question and answer period brings up pressing and relevant issues that are answered with precision and clarity.
Who has more personal satisfaction and creative self-expression: a feminist or a woman with traditional Jewish values? Rebbetzin Heller travels from the dawn of creation to the 21st century. Hear an insightful explanation of how feminism evolved, and Judaism's response to this development. She also unravels other emotionally charged issues such as: the laws of modesty, women in the rabbinate, agunahs, women and minyan, and a woman's need for Torah learning.
We all have dreams, but can we access them, and if so, how? Rebbetzin Heller discusses a passage in Likutei Halachos that assures us the ability to become the Kohen Gadol in the Beis Hamikdash. That is, within our own mundane lives. Every day there are opportunities for us to push away barriers between us and Hashem that no previous generation has broken down. Also hear a fascinating countdown of the end of days according to the Vilna Gaon - where we fit in, and how to react to the tragedies happening all around us.
The stingy person doesn't only take after great Aunt Harriet who will white-out an old envelope for 10 minutes to save a dime, but this trait also manifests itself mentally and emotionally. There are also times when it's OK to hold back from giving. Rebbetzin Heller explains where in the psyche stinginess is triggered from, and how to compensate for it. She'll make you laugh - even at yourself.