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BY 532
The 17th of Tammuz portended tragedy long before Jerusalem's walls were actually breached. On the same date, Moshe broke the tablets when he saw the horrors of the golden calf. What core idea can help us understand what happened back then, since then, and what we are still struggling with today? Hear a powerful message on relating to your Judaism, and forging a stronger bond with God.

BY 533 B
Tisha B’Av is a difficult day as it is, but sitting through all the ancient poetry of Kinnos makes it extra challenging. This class brings the Tisha B’Av experience into being more connectible and meaningful by showing the deeper relevance of the Kinnos in a better light.

BY 717 C
We spend the 9th of Av fasting, as we mourn for our Temples that were razed to the ground on that day. How does abstaining from food and drink help us realize how very helpless we are? And how does that understanding help us find our way back to the purpose for our creation, and rectifying what caused the destruction?

JO 532 A
As we embark on contemplating the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash, it may be easier to realize by first appreciating how crammed our lives have become with daily mundane tasks. When is there time and the mental space to access the spirituality we so desperately seek? Hear two valuable tools that connect us to the higher realities of the Beis Hamikdash which afford us an escape from the mire of physicality.

KI 533 B
Many say that the hatred of Joseph's brothers spawned negative spiritual forces that brought about the destruction of the 2nd Temple. How could it be that these tzaddikim caused God's holy dwelling to topple - and why so many centuries after the story of Joseph? Rabbi Kahn uncovers the layers of hate that Jacob's sons bore. Can we say the discord within the Jewish people today stemmed from this as well? If you have time for just one lecture, this may be a good choice.

ON 532 A
Life is full of gifts, but there's a catch. Even a seemingly wonderful gift can end up as a risky gamble. By misusing the gift, it might be mercifully removed to prevent any further indictment. Hear about the gift and the messages received during the three weeks leading up to the 9th of Av.

PS 828
Just as on Pesach we are given a clear way to feel freedom, and on Shavuos to taste Torah, on Succos to achieve dveikus, and on Tisha B’Av to experience the highs and lows of the human condition through the Beis Hamikdash. On this day every year Hashem hides His face, as it were, to wear the mask of destruction. However, He leaves a crack to see His love underneath it all.

TE 532
The Jewish people don't celebrate past memories. So why sit on the floor mourning a temple destroyed thousands of years ago? Rabbi Tauber paints a picture of how Hashem affects us, and how we affect Him, so to speak. On that traggic day Hashem tossed the responsibility for our relationship into our hands - hoping to evoke how the days deeper beauty can outshine all its heartbreak.

TE 533
Rabbi Tauber describes Pesach and Tisha B'Av - two diametrically opposite events that occured at our meeting place with Hashem. Which single aspect of Hashem's relationship can we reach for Hashem - whether it's the highs, or the ravages of pain and suffering we sometimes deserve? A beautiful class of inspiration and encouragement.

WY 532 B
Rav Yaakov Weinberg makes one bold statement after the next on why we fast this day. If it is to reawaken the pain of the Temple's destruction 2,000 year ago, real pain just won't plague us more than a years time. Perhaps it's to suffer the vacuum of all the treasures of life that we've lost? Hear what these three weeks are intended to awaken, and to even cry about. A brilliant talk.