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AG 715
In this masterful overview of the Jewish Calendar year, Rabbi Goldhar defines how 'Jewish time' really works by giving us a visual picture of how the 12 Jewish Holidays fit together as a unified, cyclical process of personal growth through the four seasons of the year.

BY 521 B
This two-part talk by Rav Yitzchak Berkovits reviews the halachos of checking and cleaning for chametz. Itemized instructions take you step-by-step through the intricacies of preparing your home for Pesach, along with its underlying rationale. Kashering a kitchen is also included.

BY 521 C
This 2-part talk by Rav Yitzchak Berkovits reviews the halachas of checking and cleaning for chametz. Itemized instructions take you step-by-step through the intricacies of preparing your home for Pesach along with the underlying rationale. Kashering a kitchen is also included.

BY 524 A
Numerous laws of erev Pesach and seder night are condensed into a single shiur. Also included are the laws of leaving Eretz Yisrael for Pesach in regards to keeping 2 days, Minhag haMakom, fast of the firstborn, what can be eaten erev Pesach, the mitzvah of Hallel, the halachot of the afikomen, the setup of the seder plate, and of special interest, the order of the Hagaddah.

BY 524 B
This step-by-step guide will help you conduct your best Seder yet. This well-structured talk contains the mitzvot, rules, and practical tips for arranging the Seder plate, drinking the 4 cups, reciting the Hagaddah, eating matzah and maror, and even how the finale of 'Chad Gadya' plays its part to cap the Seder Night.

LZ 520 C
The first mitzvah commanded to the Jewish Nation was given shortly before leaving Mitzrayim. Rabbi Leff looks at the three aspects of this watershed event that brought about our unpresedented unity. As an aside, he teaches how to deal with people who have differences of opinion - in private and in public.

OH 520 A
Shiur One discusses the Minhagim of Chodesh Nissan, plus the reasons for the Mitzvos of Bedika and Bitul Chometz.

ON 525 B
Just as Shabbos celebrates the creation of the universe once a week, Pesach celebrates the creation of Klal Israel. Just as unity was the key for our redemption from Egypt, it is also the key for bringing about our long awaited redemption. Learn significant lessons about what true unity is from our collective slavery, our redemption, and our unanimous acceptance of the Torah just seven weeks after the Exodus at the foot of Mount Sinai.

ON 525 C
The Haggadah was designed to be given over in ‘question & answer' format – to awaken and teach us about this Pesach epic over and over again from scratch. Rabbi Orlowek explains how this carefully constructed classic shows us the most effective way to stimulate interest, and how to draw out feelings to experience the hardships and miracles our nation experienced in Egypt. In other words, hear some well-honed advice on keeping you kids awake and involved.

WG 014 C
A person's body, spirit, intellect and emotions are four components that express the diverse drives within each of us. There also happens to be a number of themes in the Hagaddah also grouped by fours - like the four questions, the four cups of wine, the four sons, etc. These groupings parallel the intrinsic conflicts within us that continuously search for resolution and harmony. Rabbi Wagensberg tracks these themes and concludes this talk with how they will suddenly fuse together to bring about our final geula (redemption).