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BY 529
The famous question asked is why even celebrate the gift of Torah when only 40 days later we sunk so low to worship a Golden Calf? By eliminating this and other reasons why we're not entitled to the Torah, Rav Berkovits explains the primary reason for this ultimate gift - at this particular time. If you have time for only one class, this one is k'dei.

JO 084
Ruth's place in Jewish history as the great-grandmother of David and progenitor of mashiach is hard to appreciate, seeing that she was considered at the time a total outcast - scorned and ridiculed by almost everyone. How did this courageous woman hold onto her convictions, and from which particular merit did she earn the privilege of bringing kingship to the nation she joined?

LZ 529 A
The Jewish people and the Torah are two sides of the same coin. Without the Jewish people, there would not be a Torah, and without the Torah, could there be a Jewish people? Join Rabbi Leff for the dynamics of this symbiotic relationship, the effect of each person's name, and other connections that came about at Har Sinai.

LZ 529 E
What is so unique about Torah that separates it from any other wisdom in the universe? Rabbi Leff's exposition on letting this Divine knowledge change us to the very core is appropriate for us to hear at this time.

NY 529 B
The final courtship between Hashem and His beloved nation took place under the chuppah at Har Sinai when we pledged ourselves to Him and His Torah. However, the union will only be consecrated when each soul chooses God as their sole desire. Rebbitzen Neustadt's inspiring message sounds a sweet chord for a path in life so many long to discover.

ON 529 B
Shavuos is the holiday we learn how to listen better. On that day we renew our commitment for learning and to remember all we need to do. Rabbi Orlowek explains the four elements to succeed in Torah, and the two fundamental principles to listen more carefully.

ON 529 D
How does one reach a truly meaningful existence? What does the study of Torah have to do with a person's inner fulfillment? Rabbi Orlowek connects the holiday of Shavuos, which celebrates the Jewish people's acceptance of the Torah on Mount Sinai, with discovering your inner essence.

TE 527 E
The Omer period of seven weeks leading up to kabalat HaTorah also includes the death of Rabbi Akiva's students. Rabbi Tauber ties these three together and how self-respect fully connects you to the word of God, and pinpoints where his students fell short on understanding this message. Hear also how Rabbi Akiva was the example par excellence of realizing his greatest potential - despite his background and late start in life.

WG 529
How did the Jews prepare for Shavuos? In order to receive the Torah, we needed to be in a pristine state of purity and readiness that we did not take enough care to ensure. HashemåÕs action of helping us break ourselves in order to become holy holds great lessons for us today as well.

WO 529 C
What exactly are we supposed to be doing at kabbalas haTorah? What is naase v'nishma in our day and age? Rabbi Weisz delves into Gemaras on the topic and brings out fascinating truths about how we should relate to this amazing opportunity to bring down Torah each Shavuos and every day of the year.