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BB 532
Our travel in the desert was predicated on carefully following our leader Moshe. Rebbetzin Birnbaum explains how easily our minds get led astray, and how sorely we depend on our Torah and Rabbanim to keep us on track. So how does this precept of believing in the wise come to teach us about the Churban?
BY 533 C
On Tisha B'Av, a serious day of mourning, there are several halachos that only apply to this day. Rav Berkovits reviews these laws in detail and how we also need to keep the spirit of the day even though we know certain actions are technically permissable. Hear also the exceptions to the general rules.
BY 717 B
The 9th of Av isn't a strange day when we seem to be told to cry over spilled milk. It's actually the one time during the Jewish year that we stare facts in the eye, and acknowledge that there are consequences for our actions. To shrug and say - Oh, G-d understands that I sinned, and assume that He'll ignore it is a dangerous track to take. How does this deeper thread tie into fasting and the other laws of the day?
GA 717
How can a people mourn for a Temple they never saw or never felt the immediate loss of? Rabbi Geller awakens our collective consciousness to the nature of this mourning period. In a fast paced overview of the 3 Week period ending with Tisha B'Av, you'll hear background, stories and anecdotes to help better relate to the sadness and our longing for a better world. A Classic
JO 532 B
Chana Juravel gives an inspired class on not only bearing with those who rub you the wrong way - but also on having more tolerance for your own character faults. By putting a new spin on our modern day values, hear where and when tolerance needs to be applied, and how this topic lends itself to the 3 weeks leading up to Tisha B'av.
JO 532 C
Join Mrs Juravel as she traces the long and anguished exile starting from the day our ancestors shed bitter tears instead of rejoicing on their entry into Eretz Yisrael. She explains how it is the misuse of our eyes that causes us to focus on the negative, preventing us from seeing the overwhelming positive. Hear a lesson on seeing the blessings in life, despite the pain - thereby turning tears of tragedy into joyous tears of healing.
LD 532
Dr. David Luchins has a unique perspective for examining the events of the 3 Weeks. From his vantage point as a social scientist, Senatorial adviser and Torah scholar, he describes the 3 Weeks from a historical Torah perspective, and how periods of national mourning fit into the overall pattern of world drama. A classic.
ON 532 B
When people mourn for a loved one they often experience feelings of being abandoned and/or alone. What chances are there to feel joy at a time like this? Hear Rabbi Orlowek speak on how - by feeling the connection of many mourning at the same time can lead to deeper feelings of Hashem's loving care and protection for us.
WY 532 A
What does the act of fasting accomplish more than a gnawing hunger and irritability? And how well do we appreciate how a lack of food and drink leads to the appropriate state of mind? Rav Yaakov examines the root cause of all the bad occurrences in history, past and future, and the character trait that the 10th of Tevet, the Holiday of Trees, is intended to heal.
ZM 532
One worthwhile effort we can make during the Nine Days is to improve in the area of baseless hatred - which was the given cause for the Bais Hamikdash's destruction. Rabbi Zeldman gives a powerful understanding for judging our friends favorably, and offers an excellent idea for seeing those around us in a much more positive light.