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HT 252 F
Humility, or lack thereof becomes quite obvious during specific circumstances. Join Rebbetzin Heller as she examine the underlying assumptions people make during times of anger and times of loss. She then describes our reactions during moments of praise or disgrace. The class finishes with a fascinating piece on Lashon Hara.
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HT 252 G
Shame is an experience that most would like to avoid. Rebbetzin Heller describes how this trait can humanize us as well as confirm the need for accountability to God. Perhaps the desire to disparage another comes from a need to lighten our own burdens of negative self-worth? How should one respond to the shame that others experience? A fascinating class on a little-known trait that reflects a glimmer of our own spiritual sensitivity.
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HT 520 D
 When we speak of the Exodus, we tend to overlook the bigger picture. Rebbetzin Heller describes how leaving Egypt reflects so closely to our own lives, and why we would never have left Mitrayim had God not pushed us. In what ways does telling the Exodus story help us to get the message?
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HT 540 F
Rosh Hashana is a momentous holy day packed with meaning. Rebbetzin Heller explains the significance of teshuva and what we should ask Hashem to help us change. She also explores how to relate to the sounds of the Shofar and the three main sections of prayer: Malchios, Zichronos, and Shofros.
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HT 541 B
What does judgment mean on Rosh Hashanah, and how does Hashem bring it about? To understand the three books people are inscribed in, Rebbetzin Heller explains how to write yourself into the righteous book. Hear how prayer works, and how to utilize it. What should we be aiming for, and how are all our needs for the coming year symbolized in the rituals of these two days?
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HT 607
Does it sometimes happen that your sense of importance goes to your head? Rebbetzin Heller examines our tendency towards pride and how ego just sweeps us away. How does anger intrinsically connect to an inflated sense of self, and how can we deal with it?
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HT 676 A
Just who are we mourning after death? Isn’t the deceased now in a better place? Rebbetzin Heller examines levels of truth for overcoming whatever hurt we may have received at the hands of those we love, and how to view their negative choices. She moves on to discuss the laws of the mourner and the healthy and supportive environment that is created around them, and how this affects the soul of the individual who passed away.
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HT 789 I


How possible is it to define what our ideal environment is seeing that we are all so different? After all, some are affected by the positive role models in their lives, while others thrive on adversity, and others by confronting the negative influences in their lives. Rebbetzin Heller helps to define which surroundings help us to grow, and how to deal with different groupings of people that are common in many communities.


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HT 917 A
Rebbetzin Heller takes a close look at the middos that muffle the Yetzer Tov's voice. The main character traits that make the Divine presence harder to feel are haughtiness and anger. Learn to recognize the trap of self-importance, and the pretense it uses to masquerade as humility. She then looks at controlling the intellect in ways to check anger from impulsively reacting.
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HT 953 D

 Rebbetzin Heller discusses ways and practical ideas for spiritually getting yourself unstuck. She describes the steps for developing a growing relationship with Hashem and explains how the 13 Attributes of Mercy fits into our everyday life.

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