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HT 531
To grasp why we still fast on the 17th of Tammuz a closer look at the destruction of our two Batei Mikdashim is necessary. Rebbetzin Heller explains the ties that connect seemingly disparate causes such as: not keeping Shmittah, baseless hatred, and not saying the morning blessings over the Torah. Hear how we can merit to see the house of God's presence rebuilt in these very days.
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HT 532 A

Rebbetzin Heller analyzes a sharp Maharal discussing the causes of exile and the seeds of redemption. Could it be possible that in fact we just don't feel galus? Are we so comfortable living out our life at a fair distance from God? Learn what it means to resist the magnetic pull of the physical, and to polish the soul's thirst for eternal awareness.

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HT 532 B
The 17th of Tamuz, marking the start of the 3 Weeks had four tragic events occuring on it. The same is true of Tisha B’Av. Could it be that these days of the calendar are earmarked for sadness and misfortune? And if so, is there a connection between the events of one day to the other?
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HT 533 B

Considering that galus seems to be a real part of God's creation, it stands to reason that there's more to it than just being punished. Rebbtezin Heller's discussion is both far-ranging, yet specific as she defines 'exile' and the darkness it embodies. Hear the four cloaks it has worn through history, and how to reach the light despite the thick darkness.

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HT 533 C

Considering that galus seems to be a real part of God's creation, it stands to reason that there's more to it than just being punished. Rebbtizen Heller's discussion is both far-ranging and specific as she defines exile and the darkness it embodies. Hear the four cloaks it has worn through history, and how to reach the light despite the heavy darkness.

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KJ 532
Just as each letter of a sefer Torah scroll has a role to play in teaching us how to live better, each individual has a particular role to play in the world's completion. Extending this parallel, can we compare one who is not fulfilling his potential to a faulty letter which invalidates the entire sefer Torah?
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KJ 828
The Churban seems so far away. What practical things can we do to express our connection to it, and raise our desire to bring it back? Rabbi Krohn's class awakens many ideas that show Hashem's involvement in our lives and shares touching stories to flood your hearts with signs of His great mercy.
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WN 533 B
Sure, we say God is relevant in our life, but how much do we live it? Our deadened state of mind and inability to apply it actually stems from not having a Temple in our midst. Rav Noah assesses the world, and asks some pointed questions about what we might do about it.
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WY 533
Of the four players in this episode, who is the primary culprit? Kamtza, Bar Kamtza, the Chachamim or the Ba’al Habayit? This inside look at its flow in Gemara Gittin analyzes the events and rabbinical decisions that led to Churban Bayis Sheini. Rav Yaakov brilliantly compares these decisions to the decisions of pre-war European rabbis who restrained their followers from leaving Europe.
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WY 828
The sages tell us the Temple was destroyed because of baseless hatred. It is pretty clear to most how harmful hating our neighbor is, but is it really worse than murder or adultery? Rav Yaakov depicts in human terms how God relates to us, and the steps to rectify what ultimately destroyed the Temple.
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