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Title Match: 48 ways to wisdom
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WN 790 B
Have you ever noticed people talking to themselves? Even stable and sane people occasionally talk to themselves. We do it in a subconscious way for a number of reasons, one of which is to determine our reactions to various situations, "did I really say that?," or to gauge our emotions on something that is unsettling, thereby better understanding the impact that an encounter had on us.
The tape or CD of this class contains Way #3 and #4.
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WN 790 NN

The purpose of a fence is for protection, both inside and out. When something is important to you, learn how to build a fence around it. This basic skill will enhance your life and help to keep your priorities in line.
This class of Way #28 is on the previous tape or CD.

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WN 790 O

Imagine a person who wins a 10 million dollar lottery and attributes his super wealth to his savvy and intelligence in choosing the right lottery booth. Is he clearly deluded? On the other hand, the guy who invents a product that earns twenty million dollars, to what extent is he entitled to take pride in that accomplishment? Without knowing an important secret about keeping your talents and accomplishments in check, this delusion could take you further off course than that 10 million dollar lottery wizard.
The tape or CD of this class contains Way #29 and #30.

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WN 790 OO

We all have people who like us, but how many people really love us? Have you ever said, "I don't need anyone, I can do it alone!" It's a big mistake. Whether it be in family relationships, business associates or friends, the human being's intrinsic desire to be loved is a need we should learn more about.
This class of Way #30 is on the previous tape or CD.

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WN 790 P

Rabbi Weinberg begins by giving Judaism's one sentence definition of love that says it all. Tune in to not only learn more about everyone's deepest desires, but also how to work with them more and more.
The tape or CD of this class contains Way #31 and #32.

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WN 790 PP

How do you usually feel toward strangers who walk into the room? Indifferent? Suspicious? Curious? In this fascinating talk, Rabbi Weinberg describes why we experience attraction or revulsion towards others, how to get people's attention, how to break down barriers, and how to keep a positive attitude in unpredictable situations.
This class of Way #32 is on the previous tape or CD.

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WN 790 Q

As pleasure-seekers, most people seek happiness in careers, cars, status and hopefully families. But don't we also grumble about all the annoying obligations and aggravations that call out to be dealt with? Learn to turn all, or at least some of these nagging nuisances into energizing satisfaction.  The tape or CD of this class contains Way #33 and #34

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WN 790 QQ

Everyone wants to do the right thing. Nobody wakes up saying, "I want to be bad today." Even a criminal somehow justifies his deviant behavior as "good." So if everyone claims to be "good," how is one to objectively determine if they are on track or have mistakenly taken a detour?
This class of Way #34 is on the previous tape or CD.

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WN 790 R

Most people see criticism as a personal attack, triggering all kinds of defense mechanisms. The sages urge us to "love criticism." Sounds ridiculous? Big businesses pay top consultants large fees to not leave a stone unturned. To forge ahead, learn to overcome self-imposed limitations by learning to deal with criticism in a positive way.
The tape or CD of this class contains Way #35 and #36.

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WN 790 RR

On one hand, we know we shouldn't seek honor, but on the other hand human beings are desperate for recognition. A satisfying answer to this dilemma is to better understand the struggle between the body and the soul.
This class of Way #36 is on the previous tape or CD.

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