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WN 934 B1
The one Mitzvah hazal boiled down from the 613 that is doable for all of us on a constant basis is Emunah - Belief. Rabbi Weinberg details the seven steps to increase your Bitachon - trust in God, and thereby to attain a stronger Belief in God.
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WN 934 B2
Rather than viewing the mitzvos as something that we should just be very well-versed in, we have to take the steps to do them well and make sure that we're serious about getting it right. Hear this great series about living and enjoying Torah.
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WN 934 C

This Constant Mitzvah requires that we not only reject the existence of other gods, but that we also act in accordance with believing in One God - as the single Divine force that rules everything in the universe. And being a constant mitzvah implies there is a constant temptation to believe otherwise. We are always challenged to confront and counteract this destructive force in our lives and in the world.

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WN 934 D2
Rather than viewing the mitzvos as something that we should just be very well-versed in, we have to take the steps to do them well and make sure that we're serious about getting it right. Hear this great series about living and enjoying Torah.
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WN 934 D3
Rather than viewing the mitzvos as something that we should just be very well-versed in, we have to take the steps to do them well and make sure that we're serious about getting it right. Hear this great series about living and enjoying Torah.
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WN 934 E1
ather than viewing the mitzvos as something we need to be well-versed in, we have to take extra steps to do them well and to make sure we're serious about getting it right. Hear a great series on wisdom for living and all the benefits of constantly loving Hashem.
The Chinuch asks what is this mitzvah?  It's one of the 613, it's a constant, t’midi,  and it’s to take pleasure in knowing the Almighty b'tachlis hataynug - the greatest of all pleasure. Hear it from Rav Noach, a man who mastered all six.
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WN 934 E2
Rather than viewing the mitzvos as something that we should just be very well-versed in, we have to take the steps to do them well and make sure that we're serious about getting it right. Hear this great series about living and enjoying Torah.
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WN 934 F1
Rather than viewing the mitzvos as something that we should just be very well-versed in, we have to take the steps to do them well and make sure that we're serious about getting it right. Hear this great series about living and enjoying Torah.
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WN 934 F2
Rather than viewing the mitzvos as something that we should just be very well-versed in, we have to take the steps to do them well and make sure that we're serious about getting it right. Hear this great series about living and enjoying Torah.
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WN 935 E
There are six thoughts we are meant to keep active at all times. Rav Noah expounds on God’s existence, His oneness, our love and fear of Him, and the negative commands not to believe in another or to follow the desires of our eyes and heart. Learn these ideas in a way they'll jump to mind as you need them.
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