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KL 626 B


Rabbi Kelemen makes the following radical statement: There are only three concepts needed for achieving success with your children - planting, building and prayer. Which is more important? Learn the balance and how to fuse them in ways to build healthy, responsible children - with lots of life.


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MC 525

Chinuch does not only mean to give over information, but how to do it. Hidden within the Haggadah are the keys for success in bringing up our children. Hear about the tools of ingrained repetition, questions, and how to answer them. How can we find the most opportune moment to guide our children?

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MC 626 C

Rabbi Morgenstern warns us to not rely on your child’s school education for getting nachas from them, and their accomplishments. He gives excellent advice on setting up your home and yourselves as models they will want to emulate, and the attitude to adopt for explaining to them any important needs they may have.

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NY 626 AN
Some children are later bloomers than others. It must be remembered that we must appreciate the uniqueness and good within each of our children and allow that expression. How can we as mothers find pleasure within the never-ending flow of tasks and jobs by finding the belief in ourselves and the belief in our offspring?
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NY 626 AO

How do we raise our children with a sense of belief in Hashem and His intrinsic goodness? When we bring ourselves to a true sense of trust in our Creator, this is something our children pick up on and absorb. Learn how to bring a sense of G-d's mercy and love with us no matter what we face.

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NY 626 AP

Why is Purim considered such a spiritual day? At face value, it seems to be the exact opposite, with physical revelry and noise seeming to be the order of the day. Learn about the deepest identity of a Jew, and how that stems from the mother and what she gives her children. This sense of who we are is what truly shines through on this joyous day.

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ON 626 T
Integrating into Eretz Yisrael has its definite challenges. How can one possibly overcome the numerous hurdles and disappointments that seem so intimidating? Rabbi Orlowek underscores what we really have going for us by showing us what is truly good and right in ourselves and in Israeli society. From this you can create a truly positive and loving atmosphere for your children - along with God's blessings.
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PS 626
Think it’s easy to educate our precious daughters? By considering they will be the core of the Jewish home and the future building blocks of our nation it becomes super clear how carefully we must word the messages they will need as future mothers. Rav Pincus reviews the fundamental ideas we must be on guard not to assume or overlook.
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WY 680
Is the Orthodox school system a prototype of education, or is it a system for conditioning children to follow their religious duties blindly? Follow Rav Yaakov’s ever-logical analysis of how Judaism impresses the importance of thinking on all its adherents. This being so, does it make sense to teach children the depth of Torah, and then lead them into a hypnotic state of being brainwashed?
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