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Title Match: High Holidays
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BY 540 K

There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!

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BY 540 L

There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!

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BY 540 M

There's a special energy in the Jewish month of Elul which we can tap into to improve ourselves and start the year anew. Hear this intensive series by Rav Berkovits that will jump-start your teshuvah and help you to get on the right track!

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BY 541 C

As Rosh Hashanah approaches, two choices needing to be made are the kind of person you want to be, whether passive or active, and whether you want to make Hashem your king or not. Rav Berkovits describes a human beings natural state of laziness and the tendency to accept things the way they are. Hear how to override lethargy and crown Hashem as your forgiving loving King.

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FE 544

We would expect the day before Yom Kippur to be a solemn day of planning one's introspection. Yet the commandment of the day is to EAT! Rabbi Feiner explains how engaging the physical can help to enter the spiritual. He also explores deeper insights into the numbers seven, eight, nine, and ten. Captivating as always.

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LZ 542 B

Standing before God on Rosh Hashanah makes a powerful statement of intention. The divisions in the Machzor represent our connection to God, evaluating our worth and the impact of our actions. Rav Leff gives a moving reminder of God’s importance to you, and your significance to Him.

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MN 544
The famous question asked is: if all our merits and mistakes of the past year were equal, why not just do one extra mitzvah to tip the scale, alleviating the need for repentance altogether? An excellent class explaining the strength that teshuva has in and of itself to grant forgiveness.
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ON 541 A
Preparing for Rosh Hashanah depends not only on your Elul, but also on your Torah learning. Rabbi Orlowek explains the four things needed for success in Torah. Hear the Gemara's story and message on why the walls of Rabbi Elazar's beis medrash began falling over on his command.
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SM 540

Terrorism and sudden death are a wake-up call that should force us to ask "what's the message in it for me?" Rabbi Stern emphasizes how much Hashem wants our teshuva, and why at times He resorts to extreme measures to get our attention. When we sin, he explains how we are like broken keilim that cannot be repaired, yet during Elul the rules can be tipped in our favor.

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WO 541 B
If there wasn't a mesorah (tradition) that Rosh Hashana is our day of judgement, we would never know it. Why isn't it more explicit in the Torah, and what specifically are we being judged for in the coming year? Rabbi Weisz explains how we should position ourselves to receive all the brachas that Hashem wants to give us on Rosh Hashana - the birthday of planet Earth.
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