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Title Match: Jewish Law
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BY 308 H

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 310 G

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 311 U

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 311 V

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 311 W

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 510 E

Taking care of young children on Shabbos raises numerous questions about what is permitted and what isn't. Rabv Berkovits answers the commonly and the not commonly asked questions- including food preparation, toys, diapers and baby carriages.

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LH 502 C
Wool and cotton - what's the difference - besides the price? Should I place tzitzit over my plastic raincoat? Rabbi Levy takes a detour to explain how Rabbi Yosef Karo constructed his monumental Shulchan Aruch.
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LH 502 E
There are many ways to tie the tzitzit, but listen to how the Ben Ish Chai himself did it. What is the din about borrowing my friends tzitzit when he's not around? What times do you wear tzitzit without reciting a beracha? What do tzitzit have in common with being a dentist?
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LH 504 C
An assortment of helpful tips are shared in this talk - plus an interesting discussion on sleep.. On the more esoteric side, are you aware that there are spiritual seasons, and spiritual patterns? This class concludes with expressing gratitude for receiving the Torah, and the power of "100 blessings" per day.
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LH 511 A
Rabbi Levy opens the topic on how to light the Friday candles by sharing with us the Ben Ish Chai's understanding of this holy mitzvah. He compares the power that a candle has to express its own light, to the inner light we awaken when we guard the Shabbat. In this segment we also learn how candle lighting ties into Adam and Chava, and the lesson it holds for peace between a husband and wife.
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