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Title Match: Parenting
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NY 626 AO

How do we raise our children with a sense of belief in Hashem and His intrinsic goodness? When we bring ourselves to a true sense of trust in our Creator, this is something our children pick up on and absorb. Learn how to bring a sense of G-d's mercy and love with us no matter what we face.

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NY 626 AP

Why is Purim considered such a spiritual day? At face value, it seems to be the exact opposite, with physical revelry and noise seeming to be the order of the day. Learn about the deepest identity of a Jew, and how that stems from the mother and what she gives her children. This sense of who we are is what truly shines through on this joyous day.

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NY 626 AQ

The power of Pharoah was the capacity to believe in absolutely nothing of truth. Despite the fact that the events of our slavery in Mitzrayim happened so long ago, this false worldview still clings to us. Rebbitzen Neudstat details some of our thought processes that reflect a lack of faith in Hashem. What can help us let go of our egos, and how is the work of preparing for Pesach an 

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NY 626 AR
Women today perform an unbelievable balancing act, between trying to build strong marriages, bringing up their children, holding down jobs, cooking and cleaning. Rebbitzen Neustadt gives a lot of encouragement for our hard work on our middos as we try to maintain calm and good cheer amidst all of the pressures and responsibilities. Can it be that women nowadays are, in certain ways, more developed than those in previous generations?
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NY 626 AS
We must educate our children on a physical level, making sure they brush their teeth, eat well, and learn to follow norms of behavior. However, the souls of our offspring must be guided as well. How do we teach them from a tender age to believe completely in Hashem? Rebbetzin Neustadt explains how we must deepen our own emunah in Hakadosh Baruch Hu and ourselves, how to give over a joy in Judaism, and how to help our kids make peace with the package they’ve been given.
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NY 626 AW


Children store memories deep within based on events from their childhood. While we are all capable of changing negative messages attached to those experiences, it still calls upon us to question how true those messages are. Rebbitzen Neustadt explains how to instill a belief in Hashem to younger children as a 'stored memory' - and as the primary message they recall.


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NY 626 AX
We must realize that the mesirus nefesh we show in our lives as we suffer through painful circumstances give strength to the souls of our children. Rebbitzen Neustadt gives some powerful messages that we can internalize and relay to our children to help them achieve an ingrained sense of emunah even when facing moments that defy understanding.
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NY 626 AZ
What can we say in the face of tragedy and suffering? Rebbitzen Neustadt walks us through some poignant lessons that we can learn from the great people who came before us, teaching us how to hold on to our connection to Hashem with our cry of prayer with tears. As we shed our apathy and connect to our emotions in healthy ways, we help our kids do so as well.
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NY 626 BD
Rebbitzen Neustadt wraps up her wonderful series on chinuch as the Jewish year winds down with Tisha B’Av. Listen to a beautiful class about the Churban, and how despite the tragedy we mourn we are surrounded by so much Geulah in our individual lives. Learn to balance the fine line between mourning and not falling into sadness, feeling the love of Hashem constantly.
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NY 626 C
Are women more prone to sadness than men? Rebbetzin Neustadt explores the emotional world of women in context of their heightened emotions and their seemingly endless daily routines. Hear how both lead to a sense of completion and satisfaction once you've understood the formula. An excellent class to get a better feel for your reality and to become more appreciative of your lot in life.
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