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BL 626
Sadly, so many bright and outgoing toddlers reach adolescence with low self-esteem due to contrary messages they receive. This class can quickly change your entire approach to reach your children in a more natural and loving manner. This speaker is so real.

GC 626 K
Our goal is to raise children that will be responsible adults, but we often take away what little responsibility they actually have at school and at home. Hear this master educator speak about how to give our children room to step up to the plate to accept responsibility for their actions, and how to encourage honesty by the way we phrase our questions about the latest sibling rivalry. As usual, an exceptional talk by this parenting expert.

LM 626 B
Miriam Levi combines timeless Jewish principles with applied modern psychology to help you establish a more calm and happy home.

LZ 629
Hear a beautiful talk describing the facets that a vibrant Jewish home is built upon. Rabbi Leff compares the Jewish home to the pillars of the Beit HaMikdash. Hear how truly pivotal the role of a Jewish woman is in firmly establishing the sanctity of her home, and how her diligence in this task is a prerequisite in setting the stage for the rebuilding Jerusalem's Holy Temple.

LZ 678 C
Rabbi Leff explains simply and carefully to an audience of children (and their parents) why Hashem created the body, the soul, life after life, and why everyone is truly unique. With clear parables Rabbi Leff inspires children to be proud of themselves, and to recognize their ability to conquer their own problems.

MC 626 G
Most parents are quite capable of raising well adjusted children, despite the natural fears and future potential scares this undertaking can create. Rabbi Morgenstern asserts that the best way is with a sincere, deep rooted desire to raise these souls the best we can. He explains that the fear we struggle with most is whether we are fostering in them proper motivation. Hear more about this intention.

MC 626 K
Although the world has veered away from disciplining children, Rabbi Morgenstern explains the necessity for setting boundaries and natural consequences. Learn how to transmit this without hurting them, and in a loving way.

MI 626
All teenagers struggle as they navigate their way into adulthood, but some of them fall harder than others. Rabbi Milstein speaks about guiding and motivating teens at-risk based on his many years of experience. Learn how to listen, remain non-judgmental and truly be there when they need you, as well as offering them a positive attitude to encourage change.

ON 626 P
What principles do you need to understand in order to keep the welfare of your precious children as a top priority? Rabbi Orlowek also discusses how to communicate from the bottom of your heart to each and every member of your family.

ON 681 F
A teacher in tune with teen psychology can take a dry class about ancient history and make it interesting and relevant. Rabbi Orlowek unravels the mystery of the rebellious teen with a solution-oriented approach to improve classroom performance. Also discussed are ways to build stronger relationships between teacher and student and much safer alternatives to disciplinary punishment.