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Title Match: Personal Growth
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BY 911
If it was unmistakeably clear that God personally gives us our troubles, wouldn't we accept them without grumbling? However, the flip side seems to suggest that we should seek out kabbalists and segulas to find spiritual cures. Rav Berkovits explains a workable way to trace the important lessons of our suffering.
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MC 953
We all have many challenges in life, but how many of them do we take on because of their ability to elevate us? Rabbi Morgenstern explains how there are some things we must take extra caution not to complain about, and how to recognize the bracha hidden within our difficulties. And even though these difficulties may overwhelm us at times, they can actually end up tipping the scale to our favor. A comforting talk with great anecdotes as a pick me up during the rough times.
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ON 615 A
What's the proper reaction we should have to someone who just lost their temper? In three clearly defined stages, Rabbi Orlowek guides us how to diffuse another person's anger - without losing your own cool in the process.
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ON 948 B
Greeting someone with a smile has a much greater effect than we realize. We can also have great difficulties with others simply because we have already developed strengths in areas they lack. Join Rabbi Orlowek as he explains how to allow others to excel in their strong areas as you skillfully contribute your developed expertise. A great talk for improving social skills.
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ON 953 L
Stress has a pervasive way of wreaking havoc in our personal and social life. Rabbi Orlowek's calm, thoughtful words zero in on the simple attitudes, tools and subtle humor needed to fight the twin bullies of stress that sneak up to rob our feelings of security and confidence.
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SM 917
If we would measure the distance from mind to heart, it would amount to something like thumb to pinky using both hands. But all those who struggle to subjugate their desires will attest how wide the gap separating them really is. Rabbi Stern points out that without understanding the nature of our lowly desires, the soul will need to carry them along even after death.  
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TE 958 A
From the wide-eyed young child amazed at the world to the elderly reading National Geographic about far away unknown places, we all seem to possess an insatiable curiosity to understand the world around us. Is this thirst the same drive that pushes us to make the following choice at each fork in the road: one direction of trying to control and master the physical, and the other to opt-in for a life of spiritual growth?
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WY 606
Contrary to common belief, most of us are capable of experiencing much more happiness in our lives. So what's gumming up the works? And why do even those who have a solid footing in life appear to be less than thrilled with their lot? Hear how and why people defeat their own happiness, and how to recognize that your portion of happiness is patiently waiting for you just around the corner.
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ZM 285 A
Wouldn’t it be valuable to know of a systematic, logical way to understand all the major concepts, philosophical questions and definitions that Judaism embraces? Well, there is. The book is called Derech Hashem, written by Rav Moshe Chaim Luzatto. In this series, Rabbi Zeldman concisely explains each concept from this classic work on Jewish thought.
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ZM 285 B
We are incapable of truly conceiving G-d because there is nothing in our limited and physical world to draw a parallel from. What then are the six things we can know about God, and how can we understand the implications of His oneness?
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