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Personal Growth
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KV 637
Ladies, do you feel there is too much animosity amongst women? Can we also appreciate that achdus would bring more of Hashem's presence into our lives? Besides all the small things we could do to prevent fragmentation, realize that extra binah (intuition) was given to bring us closer, to curb our complaining, and to appreciate how working to stay in a good mood can spread peace to everyone within range. An excellent talk.
NY 953 A
The Jewish nation left Egypt on a spiritual high, and with a strong, deep relationship to Hashem. But soon after we learned a tragic lesson from our mistake with the golden calf - only what we achieve ourselves can we considered ours. The first of this series by Rebbetzin Neustadt explains where classic psychology and improving one's character traits intersect.
NY 953 B
Judaism's perspective on 'personal effort' does not jive very well with the physical reality of our world. For instance, even if what we try to accomplish doesn't work out, we have accomplished our mission anyway - as long as the focus was proper. And even more, hear how the prime goal in life is to improve ones character, beyond that of performing major heroic acts.
NY 953 C
When acting in ways that are contrary to the loving mothers and wives we strive to become, how much responsibility are we to bear for the outcome, and how much of what happens is directed by Hashem? Find out when, and in which ways Divine assistance is given to those sincerely committed to creating a wonderful home.
NY 953 D
The giving of the Torah at Sinai from Hashem to us was under a huge wedding canopy. The marriage however has yet to consummated. Just what is God waiting for? Rebbetzin Neustadt explores how we are to express our love for Hashem. An inspiring class to help us also express the love we feel in our other relationships as well.
ON 953 C
In the book of Exodus, God nearly abandons the Jews because they are such a stubborn people. Yet later on, we see that they win God's favor for this very same quality. With the support of fascinating textual sources, Rabbi Orlowek explains how certain personality traits will naturally lead to one's downfall - but when channeled carefully can insure resounding success!
SM 544 C
Rabbi Stern looks at all the extra time we'd have to learn if we were in fact aware of all these moments. Sharing inspirational stories of great men, and even ordinary men, who with just a few small ideas achieved greatness in learning far beyond their most optimistic expectations.
SM 616
Because day to day speech comes so naturally, most take it for granted. Rabbi Stern explains the pros and cons that can emerge from it. When learning Torah, hear the great benefits of using the best words, and the harm we cause when we are lax in articulating our thoughts properly.
WN 934 A
Rather than viewing the mitzvos as something that we should just
be very well-versed in, we have to take the steps to do them well and make
sure that we're serious about getting it right. Hear this great series about
living and enjoying Torah.
WY 605 B2
Is it really necessary to be religious to be regarded as a good person? Rav Yaakov tackles this question head on as he goes for a definition of good by using his vast knowledge of history, and the current events of his day to prove his point. A class full of back and forth action.