Jews are returning to Judaism in droves to reconnect to their roots. In this talk, Rabbi Feldman examines why our being separate from other nations is crucial to our very existence. In a humorous yet sensitive way, he urges us to consider a loftier spiritual goal for the coming year.
Rachav was the most renowned prostitute of her immoral country. But not only did she became a righteous convert, she rose to the exalted status of marrying Israel's leader, Yehoshua. What brought about her about-face to redirect her negative drives into upward spiritual growth? Rachav's transformation is an inspiring story of each person's potential for change - no matter how far off course they've strayed.
How ready are you to make a change in your outlook on life, assuming you won’t need to sacrifice any cherished values? Rebbetzin Kalminovitz discusses advanced approaches to perceiving Hashem’s goodness from a different perspective. Also hear a clip on how to stop experiencing excessive desire for things you just don't have.
When hardships strike, they can either set you back or toughen you up. Instead of facing them head-on or running away from the problems, Rabbi Leff advises us to emulate the unique characteristics of the eagle, which must also live on the ground, but can soar high above all the obstacles that make life very difficult.
If the foundation of spiritual work is to recognize your own flaws, why do the rabbis stress how important it is to have an ayin tovah for yourself? Rabbi Orlowek explains how it sparks the motivation to accomplish, and ties it into how you view yourself. Here is an idea so powerful to appreciate, yet so counter intuitive.
In our youth our vision for perfection was 'the sky's the limit'. However, God's blueprint of creation has a built-in spiritual "cash and carry policy". With cash on hand, you can buy, but if you break something, you must pay. Fortunately, God knew that as mortals we wouldn't be able to balance our books with such an exacting policy, so He also fashioned the world with a "credit policy" - the attribute of mercy. Hear how this important concept applies to making these lofty dreams of our youth come true.
What has more value after someone does you a kindness? That every detail was right in place, or that it came from genuine caring? Rav Pincus shows us how to put heart into our Jewish practice. This energising class will give a push in the right direction as the High Holy days approach.
In the span of an average day, how often do we notice God reaching for our attention? Mrs. Ruchama Shain a"h, author of 'All For the Boss,' urges more awareness to the messages Hashem is constantly sending. Her cherished stories, spiced with her cute sense of humor, zero in on points to remember as we reach out to others with happiness, love, and comforting empathy.
Ever feel like God has heaped a bit too much onto your shoulders? Rebbetzin Shain shares her most moving stories of tough tests people passed in their lives, and the strength of spirit they gained by seeing it through. Hear also how controlling lashon hara not only reduces the number of tests we get, but makes the ones we do face a lot easier to pass.
Could World War II have been prevented? Rebbetzin Weinberg, principal of EYAHT Seminary for women in Jerusalem uses this tough topic to help women focus on their real purpose in life.