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Title Match: Shabbat
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BY 511 B

Join Rav Berkovits for an in-depth discussion on candlelighting and all its pertinent laws. Included are details of who can light, where, when and how, plus many of the popular candlelighting customs observed today. Also discussed are contemporary customs for enjoying the meals and donning fine clothing on Shabbos.

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BY 512 I

In this interesting and informative series, Rav Berkovits goes in-depth into the halachos of the 39 melachos and exactly how they can be applied. A great set of talks to shed light on and improve all areas of Shabbos observance.

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BY 512 K

In this interesting and informative series, Rav Berkovits goes in-depth into the halachos of the 39 melachos and exactly how they can be applied. A great set of talks to shed light on and improve all areas of Shabbos observance.

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BY 512 L

In this interesting and informative series, Rav Berkovits goes in-depth into the halachos of the 39 melachos and exactly how they can be applied. A great set of talks to shed light on and improve all areas of Shabbos observance.

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BY 513 A

In this interesting and informative series, Rav Berkovits goes in-depth into the halachos of the 39 melachos and exactly how they can be applied. A great set of talks to shed light on and improve all areas of Shabbos observance.

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GA 760 I
Does it strike you a little odd that we are commanded to say blessings to God? This class may be a satisfying explanation to its purpose and value. Also hear a fascinating explanation for Shabbos, bris milah (circumcision) and more.
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GA 760 N
In this final overview of 'Journey Through the Mitzvos' series, Rabbi Geller reviews the following key ingredients to live a wholesome Jewish life: blessings and prayer, the beauty of Sabbath, symbols of Jewish living, and the holidays. Rabbi Geller is energetic and entertaining, and guaranteed to give you a speedy crash course in Jewish thought and practice.
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LH 511 B
Am I to light two, four, or seven candles before Shabbat? Where do all these different Minhagim come from? According to Minhag Bnei Sepharad, where is the best location to light candles considering the place the menorah was lit in the Bet Hamikdash? Our talented guide Rabbi Levy doesn't leave you in the dark about any of these questions.
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LZ 513
Observing Shabbos in a non-religious home may sound like a daunting challenge, but it's really not as difficult as it sounds. Rabbi Leff zeroes in on ways to prepare ahead of time for many of the problems that crop up, and how to maneuver the tougher questions to avoid any embarrassing moments. From candle lighting to havdalah, hear how to maintain your standards, and at the same time to keep peace and harmony with your family and friends.
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WK 511
Fine - Shabbat is a great experience, but how do I get my own show on the road for me, my family and my friends? Rabbi Wyne has designed a new starter guide, based on the NCSY Bencher which provides a clear introduction for every key aspect of this inspiring day - from lighting candles, to saying the blessings over the wine and challah, ending off with the final havdalah to exit the Shabbat. He clearly recites each blessing, along with a brief explanation and the actions that accompany it. If you are not that familiar with the procedure, or the basic meaning of the Shabbat experience, here is a great place to start.
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