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Title Match: Shabbat
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BY 310 E

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 310 F

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 310 G

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 310 I

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 310 J

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 310 X

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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BY 510 D
Rav Berkovits gives a comprehensive run-down on how to deal with emergencies on Shabbos. Some of the items discussed are fire, injury, illness, and childbirth. This talk elaborates with several examples, situations, and practical applications in order to give more confidence in dealing with emergencies that may happen on Shabbos.
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BY 511 F
We know that when Shabbos comes in we have to cease from all melacha, but how does the rest of the week relate to Shabbos? Are we allowed to do something during the week that will deprive us of our oneg (happiness) on Shabbos, like getting a tooth pulled close to Shabbos? This fascinating talk helps us arrange our week to prepare for Shabbos.
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MC 510 B

Shabbos is  that wonderful day of resting and eating and family time, but as a result don’t the deeper spiritual aspects of the day end up taking a back seat? Rabbi Morgenstern focuses us on how the core aspects of shamor v’zachor will bring us more front and center.

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SV 510 B
If you have ever wondered what Shabbat is all about, here is a great place to start. Rather than telling us what we shouldn't do on Shabbat, Rabbi Silver enumerates the physical and spiritual pleasures that are in store. An action-packed talk.
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