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Title Match: Shabbat
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BY 510 A

Shabbos is considered one of the two major signs that show one is connected to Hashem. But delving into the idea of the day leads us to question the suddenly shallow-sounding concepts we've accepted, including the understanding that Hashem rested, and that time became sanctified. A beautiful class on the symbolism of this day that encourages the belief that no matter how much evil and suffering we witness, history's close will be one of perfection and good.

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BY 510 C

How does refraining from work really bring us any closer to the higher purpose of Shabbos? Rav Berkovits differentiates between the spiritual reality of Shabbos and the other six days. In comparing the act of creation to building the tabernacle in the desert, hear how the reality of Shabbos, nature, and evil interact to make our 'rest' on Shabbos a vital factor for world stability.

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BY 511 D
Ok, once we've got the melachos explained, what about other aspects of Shabbos? Can we talk about things on Shabbos that might be construed as preparing, or do something that might have a hint of business in it? Hear what types of speech are allowed on Shabbos and what we can do to avoid those that aren't.
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BY 511 E
Ok, once we've got the melachos explained, what about other aspects of Shabbos? Can we talk about things on Shabbos that might be construed as preparing, or do something that might have a hint of business in it? Hear what types of speech are allowed on Shabbos and what we can do to avoid those that aren't.
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BY 514 A

Once you've heard Rav Yitchak Berkovits articulate the 39 Melachos in lay terms, you may sense a brand new freedom of knowing what you can do, and what you can't do on Shabbos. The details, purpose and meaning of each melacha are neatly laid out, and matched up with many practical examples.

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BY 514 B

After hearing the 39 Melachos explained by Rav Berkovits in lay terms, you will feel a new sense of freedom in knowing what you can and can't do on Shabbos. The purpose and meaning of each melacha is covered along with numerous examples and cases where the principles apply.

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BY 514 C

After hearing the 39 Melachos explained by Rav Berkovits in lay terms, you will feel a new sense of freedom in knowing what you can and can't do on Shabbos. The purpose and meaning of each melacha is covered along with numerous examples and cases where the principles apply.

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PS 510 F
Upon inspecting the Jewish calendar, it becomes clear how each Yom Tov has it’s own unique tenor. What is the essence of Shabbos that we can fix in our minds? Rav Pincus’s esoteric answer shows the similarity between Shabbos Kodesh and the Beis Hamikdash, and how Hashem’s loving face expresses itself to us on this holy day.
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PS 510 H
Rav Pincus compares delicate Waterford crystal to Shabbos – where the smallest wrong tap will shatter its sanctity. Hear a few enigmas about this holy day, like God’s puzzling 'need for rest' and the consequences of violating some of its laws. Also hear what fills Shabbos with so much bracha and oneg, ­which is near impossible to describe without having tasted it once.
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WY 510


What affect does the essential nature of Shabbos have on my life? This talk exemplifies how Shabbos is Judaism's central pillar to Jewish survival. Hear an inspiring discussion to awaken an invaluable appreciation of Shabbos, and to infuse more meaning into the rest of your week.


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