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Title Match: Shabbat
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BY 311 A

In this classic series Rav Berkovits reads out the Shulchan Aruch and Rama and traces the topic back to its original sources in the Gemora and Rishonim. He then, with crystal clarity, brings the principle(s) forward to explain how the later Acharonim, the Mishna Brura and modern day poskim apply it to the current generation.

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NY 510 A

The frantic last minute rush before Shabbos visits many a harried home. Rebbetzin Neustadt explains the Yetzer Hara's determination to prevent us from entering Shabbos in a calm frame of mind. Hear four powerful ways great men of the ages would prepare for this spiritually rejuvenating day, and how we might follow suit in our own way.

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NY 510 B
There are a number of concepts and experiences in life that are impossible to describe, for example: taste and sound, and even some of an emotional nature, like Shabbos. In this series hear the pleasures of Shabbos, how it is both physical and spiritual at the same time and how it is a day we stop rushing and return to the peace within.
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NY 510 C
Rebbetzin Neustadt looks at Judaism holistically. Can just having a conscious desire to appreciate Shabbos bring us to prepare for the seventh day in a positive way? Can we love ourselves enough to take care of our bodies so we can better serve our soul? Hear also how everything we do to raise our love of Hashem will also raise our love for Shabbos.
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NY 510 D
Shabbos is a spiritually elevating experience that remains aloof from our lives until we decide to act on it. By incorporating the 'Theme of Shabbos' into the other days of the week you can make the Shabbos experience spiritually stronger for yourself, and for your entire family.
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NY 510 E
Anyone who began making a cake only to find themselves stuck in the middle without the right ingredients will attest that ‘the results of one’s actions are very much based on whatever forethought preceded it.’ Rebbetzin Neustadt presents Shabbos as the end goal of creation, and why it takes up so much spiritual energy. Also discussed is the idea of Shabbos as a bride, and how a soul celebrates on this day.
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NY 510 F
Shabbos is more of a ‘presence’ than a ‘special day’. Rebbetzin Neustadt’s vivid depiction of how we’d behave in the company of an honored guest shines a light on how our demeanor could be different on Shabbos, and how to apply it practically without becoming too overwhelmed. Hear also a fascinating discussion on how Shabbos teaches us about bitachon and hishtadlus.
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NY 510 G

Does the picture of two lit candlesticks conjure up Erev Shabbos in your mind? Why is this mitzvah to light candles so important on this holy day, and why was it given to women? Rebbetzin Neustadt discusses the many parts of hadlakas neiros, including the olive oil, and the protection, shmirah it creates towards the purity of your home.

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NY 510 H

Shabbo is the day that Hashem allowed His light to shine down on us directly, as opposed to being forced through the veil of the natural world. How can we imp\rove our love for Shabbos and bring that sense of excitement and holiness into our homes? Rebbetzin Neustadt asks some pointed questions, and gives excellent answers that helps us tune in to our own unique strengths to connect to Shabbos.

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WD 511
On that day a great light was formed, and a great portion of it was tucked away for the world to come. But some of this special light still appears on Friday night during candle lighting. Rebbetzin Weinberg describes how to prepare yourself for getting a glimpse of this hidden beauty.
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