- Jewish mp3 downloads
- Torah audio free listening
- Judaism mp3s
Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.
Everybody knows that it’s all about Middos Tovos- Character Development. Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he takes you on a journey, tapping in to those qualities that are already within you and that just need to be discovered like a hidden treasure—which becomes easier once we realize that those gems aren’t in our souls but in our bodies!
Why did Avraham crumble in face of the first test he faced when moving to the land of Israel? And how could he have chosen to put Sarah in a incredibly dangerous position by moving to Egypt? A beautiful class on how Avraham was able to direct his mind toward Israel no matter where he was, and Sarah's intense connection to Geulah.
The Torah painstakingly recounts every spot visited by the tribes on their 40 years travel through the desert. What can we possibly gain by this seemingly irrelevant repetition? Every encounter we face in life is fraught with challenge. Rabbi WagnesbergåÕs dynamic talk explains how to unravel every journey we take and how to appreciate the inherent lesson for us to learn from.
G-d's intention for creating the world was to grant us an incredible amount of pleasure. This loving intent can be reciprocated on our end. Moshe symbolized this deep reciprocal love for Hashem, and taught us that anything can be accomplished with this emotion.
So many tourists who come to Israel love to make a stopover at the Dead Sea. In this fascinating talk, Rabbi Wagensberg shows just how strategic and critic this region is as this spot really pulls everything together, all the while teaching us a most valuable lesson. That from the lowest comes the highest. After this lecture, the Salt Sea will never be the same and bathing there with take on a whole new dimension of meaning.
Are you an animal lover? Do you own a dog? Would you like to? It has often been said that a dog is man's best friend. What is this obsession that we have with dogs? This unique, once-in-a-lifetime lecture by Rabbi Wagensberg will not only reveal a mystical side to Perek Shira but will also share a most valuable lesson that we learn from canines.
Join Rabbi Noson Weisz as he explores deeper insights on the weekly parsha, with a philosophical and kabbalistic perspective culled from the Ramban. His straightforward and interesting style will help you relate to the parsha and bring the words to life before you on the page.