Rabbi Geller has found a new spin for understanding the Torah. He doesn't call it a storybook or a history book, but a collection of 'elements' that are of prime interest to God. In this single whirlwind journey through all the 5 Books of Moses hear many of the different ways and levels the written Torah can be perceived. He is funny, engaging and answers key questions that many wonder about.
Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Moses is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.
Nimrod is the ultimate evil superpower. He uses any means to attain his desires. Nothing stood in his way. This sinister individual succeeded in unifying the masses to wage war against God. Learn more about how this evil incarnate institutionalized destruction of the world and what lessons can we draw from this today.
Practically every Jew knows that house cleaning is a major preparation for Passover, but how many know about the spiritual effort it takes to overturn nasty attitudes that lurk in the heart? In this important lecture, Rabbi Kahn taps the mindset of our generation and how Passover offers a straight forward formula to spruce up both our homes and our hearts.
God despises monuments, and yet the Israelites are instructed to erect a large public one upon their entry into the Land of Israel. Rabbi Kahn explores the metaphysical importance of this event, and what new creation it brought in its wake.
Calm down! Unfortunately, most of us have heard this before, and for good reason. Indeed, Noach was blessed with a tranquil and unruffled nature as the meaning of his name suggests. But are there times when peaceful acceptance of the world around you prevents necessary action to be taken? Rabbi Milstein explores the meaning behind the term "cool," and why the floodwaters were called after Noach's name.
How could Noach, the greatest man in his generation, fall so low after the flood was over? And was it a miracle that all of the animals were able to fit into the Ark that he built? Hear an interesting explanation that proves logically that it was able to carry them all.
The rainbow was bestowed upon the world as a creation of striking beauty. However, there's an additional message that's even more breathtaking. Appreciating the amazing harmony between all the colors of a rainbow leads to a beautiful metaphor of all the energizing paths of growth before each of us.
Are our current technological advancements improvements for society or the core of its ultimate destruction? Listen to the compelling arguments related to the generation which built the Tower of Babel, to find out the answer
Have you ever been intrigued as to who Jesus really was? Have you ever pondered whether or not his Jewish sould will ever get fixed? Once again, Rabbi Wagensberg dazzels us in this talk by sharing a very mystical approach as to just what forces Noach was up against in that ark. By the time Rabbi Wagensberg has finished with us, we are going to want to jump at every opportunity to be the bearers of good news, thereby ridding the world of its cruelty and bringing us Elijah the Prophet.