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Torah Portion
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CA 039 D
Rabbi Aryeh Carmell adds new insight and a different perspective to the weekly parsha.
GA 044
Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.
KI 039 A
Among the most difficult episodes of the Torah is understanding why Moses didn't merit entering into the Land of Israel. A recent great Torah commentator, the Meshech Chochmah, develops a brilliant and innovative understanding of why Moses hit the rock. Join Rabbi Kahn as he unravels this important lesson.
MI 044
In his weekly Parsha talk on Devarim, Rabbi Milstein culls the words of Moses on how to attain greater sensitivity when attending to the spiritual growth of others. He itemizes the specific merits needed to speed up the final salvation, and how to 'show' others the sweeter side of our rich heritage.
WG 039
Purity and impurity. Positive and negative. Which do you think is stronger? Rabbi Wagesnberg delves into the puzzling paradox of the Red Heifer’s capacity to give purity at the same moment it defiles, exploring the concept of the power of even a little bit of light can push away a lot of darkness. Follow this powerful class to learn the lesson of the power of the positive, and the height that comes after a fall.
WG 039 F
Moshe’s love for the Jews superseded all considerations of self. Join Rabbi Wagensberg to find out the many moments this quintessential leader sacrificed, even on a spiritual level, in order to bring his beloved nation to higher levels of serving G-d.
WG 039 H
Fellow Jews, we've been hijacked! Since the days of Esav, his descendants have robbed us of opportunities of spiritual growth. Today more than ever, as descendants of Yaakov Avineu, we have the responsibility to reclaim those opportunities of spiritual growth and complete the process that Yaakov himself started. This week, in a most amazing tug of war, Rabbi Wagensberg will show us what these opportunities are and how we can reclaim them as our own.
WG 039 I
All the religions of the world preach "keep the faith". In today's world, perhaps one of the most difficult things is to have faith in anybody or in anything. To find out more about the unique challenges of our generation, listen in as Rabbi Wagensberg will connect our "soles" to our heads.
WG 044 B
Hashem's closeness to us is compared to a father-son relationship. Sometimes we feel His love, but by and large it's not so clear. In what ways does God respond to us when we turn from Him and His Torah? Rabbi Wagensberg's uplifting chizuk reminds us how concerned and interested He is in us, and how much He will always love us no matter what we do or say. A beautiful class.
WG 044 D
If you usually skip over parsha talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg! His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, often coming from a new vantage point.