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Title Match: antisemitism
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BA 650 A

Why are both Jews and non-Jews needed in the world? Rabbi Motty Berger is clear and precise in delineating the three rules of relationships for Jews, and traces its ramifications from the inception of Abraham. He also explains which roles non-Jews play.

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BY 853 A
Just the word Holocaust is packed with fearful images of smoke, defenseless children, skeletal Jews and decimated communities. Where was God during all the devastation? For a moment, can we put our emotions and torment on hold to hear about our age-old responsibility of being the chosen nation? Rabbi Berkovits's clarity and gentle approach creates a powerful class on this almost untouchable subject.
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GA 852
Each year (this week on Thursday) we mourn the vast destruction of European Jewry. Rabbi Geller shares a few ideas and follows people who managed to hold onto their faith despite living through this man-made hell. How can we fathom God’s attribute of justice, and His face being so hidden? And how did the enlightenment movement affect the picture of Jewry at that time?
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KE 793 C
What sense does it make that Jews were hated from the moment they became a nation? Would knowing what caused such virulent anti-Semitism help to control it? Theories abound as to what the causes are, including: economic power, Zionism, elitism, being the scapegoat and several more. This class disproves them all one by one - leaving a surprising conclusion as the bottom line.
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KE 850

Why have the Jews been hated since day one? And why are Jews always the scapegoats for every world problem? And why is hatred of a Jew different from every other type of hatred? And even as we speak, many Jews continue to assimilate, but we are hated nonetheless! Rabbi Spiro takes a profound look at the strange nature of anti-semitism, its origins, and why it relentlessly continues to haunt our holy, 'chosen' nation.

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KE 877 B

What could possibly be the reason the world relentlessly makes irrational claims against the Jewish nation and their homeland? This striking phenomena of why people hate the Jews is ironically accompanied by a long list of self-contradictory reasons and double standards that keep forcing them to dwell quite alone.

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MC 890

We are living in turbulent times. What is the Torah perspective on the tragedies, antisemitism and frightening news we hear of on a daily basis? This lecture is relevant to anyone living in 2015 and looking for some words of wisdom on these subjects.

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SR 850

Why does this nation always end up being the scapegoat? Can it be that we are just in the wrong place at the wrong time? Rabbi Rob Shore presents a perspective of antisemism that you most likely never heard in school. A very powerful class that is intelligent in its approach and inspirational in its message.

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WN 017 A
What did Yisro 'hear' that attracted him to the Jewish camp in the desert? Rav Noah explains the following: 'You are either with the Jews, or against them.' As we gain clarity on the harsh negativity most people have towards Jews, a new power is created to help you make positive changes in your life.
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WY 852 B
Although we can never fully understand why the Holocaust happened, Rav Weinberg's discussion on suffering, punishment and teshuva in relation to the Churban Bayis Sheini shows the deeper underlying causes for large-scale tragedies. This talk is an important reminder of how history repeats itself.
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