Men, hear a new, positive outlook you may want to adopt during the dating process. Get to know yourself better by learning how to figure out exactly what you want and need, and which challenges you should definitely not take on. Here's a good way to turn your dating into an opportunity for growth rather than a challenge to get beyond.
If you are considering getting married or maybe very close to popping the question, listen up young men as Rav Berkovits shares some great practical advice for the most important decision of your life. Issues addressed: Your responsibilities to your Kallah, spending money, expectations of married life, dealing with parents and in-laws and much more. This talk is a must hear for every chassan, and chassan wannabe.
In an area as sensitive as shidduchim, a careless word can suddenly derail a potentially harmonious lifelong marriage. This important class, based on the laws of shemiras halashon by the Chofetz Chaim, instructs family, friends, and shadchanim how to differentiate between subjective and objective information that flies about during the shidduchim process. A must for almost everyone.
Imagine viewing a sea split with precision, and twelve tribes marching through twelve channels on dry land, and then crashing down to swallow the Egyptians. Wow! The sages say making a match is equal to that. An exaggeration - or not? Also hear Rabbi Geller exuberantly present some excellent tools for succeeding and coping in marriage from several great matches described in Tanach.
Shidduchim can be frustrating for those trying to set singles up, and incredibly painful for all those waiting to find their mate. Rebbetzin Kalmanovitz gives powerful chizuk you can share with single women to help ease the pain. Also hear a bird's eye view of problems plaguing the dating world - both for men and women - and what we can do about it.
What middos do all marriages need for success? Once answered, now you can figure out the middos to look for in the man you hope to marry. Also discussed is how, and at what stages to check a potential shidduch's background. A great shiur on a difficult parsha.
Mazal Tov! Hear a complete overview of the laws and customs that happen before and after the Jewish wedding ceremony. Rabbi Morgenstern describes it all - from the engagement, the preparations, the finances, the wedding day. the chuppah - to the final week of sheva brachos. A terrific guide for focusing your efforts and resources into the right places, to begin your marriage bond on the right foot. (Take note of this class for when the occasion arises).
Shidduchim is serious business. Knowing what marriage is and what the prerequisites are before you get started are what Rabbi Orlowek discusses in this class given to young men. He clearly defines the responsibilities and how to figure out if you are ready to take the plunge based on your emotional readiness. He also advises how to date wisely and gives other valuable tips for starting married life on the right foot.
This candid advice is for those who feel their lives are perpetually revolving around the dating process. This talk is of particular value for older singles who have the extra challenge of being perpetually 'nudged' by their family and friends. Rabbi Orlowek spells out several important dating verbal and non-verbal communication skills, and offers keen insight on the very nature of the mating process.
While seeking the perfect girl, there are two important rules that should not be ignored; wasting time, and indulging in senseless pain. Rabbi Schwartz candidly looks at today's male/female relationship from the man's perspective explaining why the search for the woman of your dreams is so difficult, and how to make it much more manageable.