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BY 616 N

We all want polite kids, so naturally we cringe when our children speak in ways that may be forbidden. Rav Berkovits begins with a short review of the pertinent laws of forbidden speech and then he brings cases of kids who keep violating them - and explains how and at what stage a parent should intervene. Also, what if a child is always hurting other people verbally? Hear how to convey these laws, and at the same time not squash their need to communicate.

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BY 626 C

When raising our children, Rav Berkovits advises us that every chinuch consideration should be future-oriented. If your children are neglecting certain mitzvos out of rebellion, forcing them just won't generate warm feelings towards you - or to their inner spiritual yearnings. Hear a fundamental talk on being equally attentive to the short, and the long-term needs of your children's growth and well-being.

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GC 626 F
Parents that continue drilling educational messages into their child’s brain somehow believe it’s a compensation for the ‘chinuch' training they never received. Rabbi Greenwald, a renowned educator of educators explains ‘chinuch’ in layman’s terms for everyone to understand, and apply. Create a fertile environment for your child’s thirsty curious mind. Each session covers a specific topic that stands on its own. 
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GC 626 L

How can we motivate our children to achieve the objectives we feel are important for them? The first rule is sell, says Rabbi Greenwald. This child education expert gives valuable tools on how to make goals desirable, how success breeds success, and how truly believing in your child will give them the ability to soar higher than what you even thought they were capable.

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GC 626 Y
Americans in general treasure individuality and seek to foster this midah in their children. This being so, how should we respond to a school system that attempts to box our kids into being something they're not? This question is super relevant for children that are very perceptive, bright, active or extra materialistic. Rabbi Greenwald deals with each in turn offering us and their teachers tools to nourish this individuality - and to ensure they finish their schooling in one piece and whole in spirit.
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MC 681
How well do you as a teacher realize your role in being the next link in the chain of transmission? However if your students are busy trying to honor you, how will they learn to direct their honor to the Torah itself? Rabbi Morgenstern offers a healthy review with advice on role modeling, giving mussar and discipline.
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MJ 621
Honoring parents properly is perhaps our hardest job, which most of us really don't live up to. Hear how to educate your children to have the proper fear and respect towards your 'spouse' - which will help us to pass this vital mitzvah on to the next generation of parents and children.
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ON 525 C

The Haggadah was designed to be given over in ‘question & answer' format – to awaken and teach us about this Pesach epic over and over again from scratch. Rabbi Orlowek explains how this carefully constructed classic shows us the most effective way to stimulate interest, and how to draw out feelings to experience the hardships and miracles our nation experienced in Egypt. In other words, hear some well-honed advice on keeping you kids awake and involved.


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ON 626 E
Rabbi Orlowek says that a parent's role is to raise independent children. With this in mind he delves into the underlying objective of discipline: to create a conducive atmosphere in the home. As parents, what emotional involvement should we be aiming to maintain, and for those times we get caught off guard, what big picture can we envision so we don't rock the boat?
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PZ 684

To share your appreciation of Judaism's beauty with others, first learn to speak one of the three “languages” other people resonate with - be it visual, auditory, or emotional. Hear how to motivate others to pause and consider each of your points from their own perspective. A useful talk for improving communication skills and those involved in outreach.


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