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PZ 953 A

The famous Vilna Gaon expressed the following idea, If a person is not working to fix his character traits, so what is he working on? Rabbi Pliskin identifies the key positive and negative traits which are the basis of most traits. Hear how 'resolving to change,' and 'asking for Divine help' play a vital role in balancing your overall temperament.

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WN 792 A
Judaism is a way of life, and Rav Noah has compiled ten basic classes to help you understand the Foundations of Jewish Living. The logical and most fundamental first step of this series is: How can we be sure of anything? All religious and political movements believe they possess the key to solve the world's problems. If so how can a person can truly 'know' if they are right?
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WN 792 B
Turning to God when we're out of options doesn't seem like a logical response, considering all the prayers we've uttered in the past that went unanswered. And why does God want us to call out to Him in the first place -- is it conceivable to think we can butter Him up or nudge Him enough to grant our wish? Rav Noah offers a unique way to look at prayer.
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WN 792 C

How and where would you start to explain what Judaism is to a friend? Hear how Rabbi Noah Weinberg explains in his profound simplicity what the ultimate values, purpose and pleasure of Judaism are.

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WN 792 D

If you could get more pleasure in life, how much would you go for? Would you say like Rabbi Weinberg that %u2018the sky's the limit'? In his classic talk on the five levels of pleasure, learn how counterfeit pleasures create lots of anticipation, but sap your energy, while genuine pleasure fills you with vitality and joy. Hear this very entertaining class that explains the quantum jumps from one level of pleasure to the next.

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WN 792 E
Many people take pride in being considered an 'intellectual' because of their vast storehouse of knowledge. If they also have the know-how to apply it, Whow. But how true is this yardstick for measuring ones intellectual faculties? Rav Noach distinguishes five levels of how we should really be using our heads.
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WN 792 F
As human beings, we can either harness the powers of the world in positive ways, or chase our passions more then the lowest animal. What is the crux of choice and what motivates our decisions? Rav Noah explains the five levels of free will, and the freedom available to realize the greatness you know yourself to possess.
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WN 792 G
An infant is adorable, but wouldn't we all agree how tragic it would be to see them a few years later not having progressed to the toddler stage? Being young and growing are things we celebrate - but states taken for granted by not understanding their inherent power. Rav Noah outlines a process for becoming the person we dream to be.
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WN 792 J

Shalom, the Hebrew word for hello and goodbye goes a bit deeper than adios and chau. Within our unseen war of the soul’s transcendence and our physical drives, it’s easy to dismiss any possibility that the body and soul can dwell arm-in-arm. Hear what it takes to reach true harmony and inner peace.

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ZM 930 A

We live in a tolerant society, and we are taught from young to accept the idea that many people will have differing ideas and beliefs than we do. Rabbi Zeldman pokes holes in this politically correct stance, showing that if religious beliefs stem from an understanding of reality as it is, there is no room to shrug off a search for truth.

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