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Title Match: high holidays
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BY 540 D
The month preceding the High Holy Days is the month of Elul, the most auspicious time for introspection and change. Rav Berkovits takes a closer look at our underlying 'wishful thinking patterns' that many use as their source of motivation - yet from past experience were not strong enough to generate enough steam to make lasting changes.
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GA 718
What is it about the month of Elul that leads our minds and hearts straight into Rosh Hashanah? Rabbi Geller's crash course on cultivating awareness, honesty and introspection is a smart way to get a head start on the upcoming year. A yearly classic for beginners.
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KI 937 C
What does it take to get up from a fall? Many of us dread even the thought of it. God however, took this into account by creating the antidote of 'teshuva' before He completed creation. Using Rabbi Elazar ben Dudai's amazing Talmudic story of his encounter with a woman of ill repute, Rabbi Kahn shows how the subsequent necessary emotions he went through brought him to complete teshuva - on the spot.
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KV 937

Why was man created and what is man's job in this world? What follows is how do we find a sense of happiness and pleasure in life? Rebbetzin Kalmanovitz answers these questions and touches along the way other essential topics such as the Yetzer Hara, Ahavas Hashem and Teshuvah.


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ON 541 E

In this class, Rabbi Orlowek describes himself as a messenger boy bringing pearls of wisdom from both the exalted rabbis of the past and the great rabbis in the present. Within a structure of motivation, implementation and measuring goals, he shares inspiration, stories and practical advice for accepting more responsibility to change something this Rosh Hashanah.

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ON 541 H

How is it possible to fear Hashem and at the same time feel His chesed, love and compassion? Rabbi Orlowek unravels how this contrary dynamic works by comparing it to the parent-child relationship. Uniting these two seemingly opposite emotions is a time honored formula for making God our King on Rosh Hashanah.

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SM 543 B

Our Sages say "Search for Hashem When He is to be Found". But isn't God always findable when we look? In this thought-provoking talk on prayer and teshuvah, Rav Stern explains how to take a sharp look at your daily actions, and how to project their consequences on to the year ahead.


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WO 544 C

Yom Kippur is the quintessential day of repentance. The embarrassment that necessarily results in doing teshuvah clearly shows how incongruous our negative actions in light of our innate greatness. The focused time we spend in repentance is a vital element for connecting to God.

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WY 541 A
What two emotions should we feel during the shofar blast? Hear an in-depth look at atonement, repentance, and the steps needed to uproot past mistakes. Another oft-misunderstood concept is 'yirah' fear. And why it is so vitally important at this juncture to establish a deeper intimacy with God?
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WY 544
We all make mistakes, right? And many of us know how pointless it is to get caught up in any guilt trip. The sensible response appears to be: just move forward with a strong conviction to be a better person. So why are we steered to take an honest, regretful look at our past? Hear what teshuva is (without the guilt), and the reason why this formula works so well to move people into the new year with a fresh start.
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