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Lettuce is a known problem when it comes to checking for bugs because the pesky green fly it attracts is so well camouflaged, and looks so much like part of the leaf. Rav Berkovits gives some easy tricks to get around infested vegetables. Also discussed are various opinions on the kashrus of milk and cheese - such as chalav stam, and using powdered milk or rennet in cheese.

Buying meat from the butcher is not quite as simple as the packaging makes it sound. It's important to know basic information, such as what glatt really means, and how the veins are removed from the meat, if at all. And what if you notice a chicken wing is broken after you get home? How does one kasher liver, and what do you do if an egg has a bloodspot? Rav Berkovits covers a lot of ground with great clarity.

The basic parameters of the laws regarding meat and milk seem simple - don't cook them together, eat them together, or derive benefit from a mixture of the two. In truth, it can get complicated. Rav Berkovits gives a detailed rundown, from how to deal with eating one after the other, what to do when meat and milk accidentally get mixed, and much more. A must listen for keeping a kosher kitchen.

What is the status of a pot or pan that cooked something non-kosher? Is it necessary to throw out dairy food that was cooked in a meat pot or vice versa? What if parve food was cooked in a meat pot - is it considered meat? Rav Berkovits also deals with sharp foods, and where the law differs regarding their usage.

Ovens and stoves can be pretty straightforward until the major culprit is taken into account - how and where steam rises and touches can become very problematic. It affects passing one pot over the other, as well as adding spices to cooking food. And can you use the same oven for meat and dairy? Once again, steam comes into play. Rav Berkovits also covers the basics of koshering various kitchen utensils, as well as appliances.

Rav Berkovits gives a broad look at the laws of Kashrus, covering the basics as well as areas you may have been unaware of. Knowing what goes into making meat and chicken kosher (even if don't plan on doing it yourself), how to deal with buggy foods, and many other important subjects can help you know when there is a potential problem, and what to ask.

Keeping a kosher kitchen requires a great deal of knowledge, at the very least to be able to know when to ask a question. Rav Berkovits gives a detailed review of the laws regarding meat and milk, pots and pans, and everything in between. An excellent refresher for someone who wants to brush up on their halachos quickly.

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