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BY 942 A
In this 7-part information packed series, Rabbi Berkovits explains the entire weekday siddur. Hear the background of the prayers and their connection to the korbonos in the Beis Hamikdash. An extra interesting part of this talk is how Hashem manifests Himself as a king in your daily life. Turn your morning prayers into a more moving and richer learning experience.
BY 942 B
Continuing the Pesukei D'Zimrah, Rabbi Berkovits explains how to live our olam hazeh with the goals of olam habah. By looking into Mizmor L'Sodah we can understand how to properly say thank you to Hashem. He pulls out other truths of the tehillim in davening and explains how they relate to us now. This talk covers until the last of the hallelukahs in morning davening and adds meaning to words that we previously may have not given proper attention.
BY 942 C
From a particular tehillim that we say in Pesukei D'Zimrah, Rabbi Berkovits learns out how every breath we take is a mitzvah aseh (positive commandment). Imagine learning how to praise G-d with your every breath, to help you understand the purpose of creation, and to recognize the finer intricacies of how the world that is swirling around us works.
BY 942 D
Discussing the brachos of krias Shema, Rabbi Berkowitz details the
importance of remembering yetzias Mitzrayim (the exodus from Egypt) and
explains how true greatness is measured.
He also goes into the first 3 brachos of Shemonah Esrei to help us realize
who we are speaking to when we're davening. A great talk!
BY 942 E
Continuing on with shacharis, Rabbi Berkowitz goes into the meaning behind the Shemonah Esrei, specifically the first four brachos. Is zchus Avos some kind of protectsia (using connections)? What should a person do to acquire wisdom? Is just asking for it enough? Add new meaning to your morning davening with this great talk.
JO 079 ZD
The future state of the world and the happiness that marks the time of Moshiach is for the most part shrouded in vague references. The ultimate joy this Perek describes is a window for understanding this trait, and how it will simultaneously cut down the haughty while building up leaders possessing true humility.
LZ 940 A
Our three main daily prayers stem from the three great patriarchs of our nation: Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov. Rabbi Leff gives an introduction on the nature of prayer - and how best to fulfill it. He examines the morning prayer of Shacharis and how it was fashioned to work into our bones the traits of Avraham.
ON 952 B
There are two stages of avodas Hashem (serving God): the first is the initial uplifting exhilaration and inspiration. The second stage is internalizing, concretizing and recreating this upward movement. Rabbi Orlowek points out that we all experience moments of inspiration, but it is only by learning to integrate these events and emotions that we can progress and elevate our avodas Hashem.
SM 930
Not only does praying in a minyon help you push your supplications through heaven’s gate, but it also adds insight to feel God's presence. To be more effective in your tefillos and to see more breakthroughs in learning, hear effective motivations from this articulate gadol b'Torah.
VS 808
Over the last few decades there has been a progressive transformation of society's outlook on life values. In this fast-paced lecture, Rabbi Veffer explores the philosophies of each generation and what changes occurred based on the preceding generation. This insightful journey will greatly sharpen your ability to draw a roadmap for reaching desired goals you have in life.