Hashem is always calling to us, so what are the chances for us to open our mouths and really say 'Hineni' I am here? As you will hear, Mrs. Blatt shows through anecdotes and examples how having kavanah for the words we say during davening can be a lot easier than we think.
Terrorism. War. Poverty. Ignorance. Is it the Jewish nation's responsibility to fix up the problems of the world. Prayer happens to be your best opportunity to express your concerns and opinions about what is happening around the world. This lecture focuses on a new dimension of prayer and is bound to make your conversations with your Creator so much more meaningful.
Chana suffered the excruciating pain of barrenness for almost 20 years, as her husband shouldered the burden of praying for them to have children. But once he finally accepted that she would never bear children, Chana herself was compelled to pray with a fervor that few in history have ever achieved. Hear how this brave woman became a great woman by invoking her tremendous spiritual understanding to convince God to grant her a child.
In order to plumb the depths of Tehillim, let's take a look at the personality behind the Psalms. David's life was a constant wrench, yet with Herculean efforts he connected every single struggle back to God. His life was proof that every experience in life can bring us closer and closer to God.
How are we to relate to Rosh HaShana when year after year we know that horrible people are judged for death, yet they continue living healthy, prosperous lives? Even harder to understand is how righteous tzadikim, who by all rights are entitled to great blessings may unexpectedly die, or continue suffering? Rabbi Zev Leff articulates the deeper reality of this enigmatic question, and defines the different forms of judgement that Hashem portions out.
When was the last time you felt foolish because you forgot whether you bentched or not after a meal? Rabbi Milstein shows the direct correlation between the effort you put into making your tefillos real, and the outcome of those tefillos. Hear an energizing talk, full of anecdotes and stories based on '5 realities' to help you be more in touch with your prayers.
Using our mouths properly sounds like a funny thing to focus on, but in the realm of tefillah this is a huge secret. Hear what's revealed in this great sequel on empowering your teffillos. Rabbi Milstein also talks about breaking old habits in davening, learning to pray for something before you really need it, and having compassion for others you're davening for. If you liked the first one, you're sure to gain a lot from this engaging talk!
Contrary to the universal myth about money, there is something even greater that 'makes the world go round' - which is 'the fire of desire.' Pure ratzon is the crux of free choice and the driving force behind success. Rabbi Orlowek plots the course people should be aiming for the coming year. He examines the key points of the Rosh Hashana tefillah.
What are we doing when we pray? Does God need us to remind Him of our problems and desires? On the other hand, giving up on even asking Him might imply we don't believe He's even listening. Hear an upbeat class on what prayer is meant to achieve, and how to relate with the situations you find yourself in life.
The concept of idol-worship, or how a tree can have divine power is almost laughable in our ‘sophisticated’ society. But before poking fun, Rav Yaakov Weinberg asks a simple question. if we may harbor a suppressed desire for God to speak to us and hug us and even to hold our hand, just how able are we to relate to an intangible God? Rav Yaakov brings sense to this most enigmatic subject for every listening ear.