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BY 712 A
'The seventh day is holy ... refrain from doing work.' Learn how perfection of the world begins by observing a few simple practices of Shabbat: lighting candles, wine, challah, and gathering the family for a festive meal.

GA 712
The Sabbath was a special gift to the Jewish people. A supernatural day to step back from our hectic lives, take a deep breath, and refocus on who we are and how we'd like to live. Hear a lively content filled overview of the day - as only Rabbi Geller can deliver.

GA 760 I
Does it strike you a little odd that we are commanded to say blessings to God? This class may be a satisfying explanation to its purpose and value. Also hear a fascinating explanation for Shabbos, bris milah (circumcision) and more.

GA 760 N
In this final overview of 'Journey Through the Mitzvos' series, Rabbi Geller reviews the following key ingredients to live a wholesome Jewish life: blessings and prayer, the beauty of Sabbath, symbols of Jewish living, and the holidays. Rabbi Geller is energetic and entertaining, and guaranteed to give you a speedy crash course in Jewish thought and practice.

LH 511 B
Am I to light two, four, or seven candles before Shabbat? Where do all these different Minhagim come from? According to Minhag Bnei Sepharad, where is the best location to light candles considering the place the menorah was lit in the Bet Hamikdash? Our talented guide Rabbi Levy doesn't leave you in the dark about any of these questions.

LH 511 D
Making a Beracha on the candles is an integral part of this mitzvah. It has practical ramifications on when a person is bound to accept Shabbat, and when they must cease from performing melachot. With encyclopedic breadth Rabbi Levy uses the Ben Ish Chai as a springboard for understanding the significance of when to make the Beracha using the different opinions of contemporary poskim.

LZ 513
Observing Shabbos in a non-religious home may sound like a daunting challenge, but it's really not as difficult as it sounds. Rabbi Leff zeroes in on ways to prepare ahead of time for many of the problems that crop up, and how to maneuver the tougher questions to avoid any embarrassing moments. From candle lighting to havdalah, hear how to maintain your standards, and at the same time to keep peace and harmony with your family and friends.

SW 712
When life gets messy with tons of extra stress and responsibilities, it's easy to loose track of energizing opportunities, hopes and goals. Hear how the Shabbat is a beautiful time to reconnect to the quiet of your inner self - where everything you truly hold dear is in easier reach.

WD 510 A
Imagine a Shabbos table of sumptuous food and good company where the main topics of conversation areåÉtax returns, jobs, tragedy etc. Although we spend hours preparing the meals we mustn't forget to put a little preparation into what we are going to talk about. The queen is sitting at your table åÐ lets not bore her with the mundane or pain her with all the sad news åÐ lets hear how to elevate our Shabbos table with holy and more fitting words.

WD 510 D
As Rebbetzin Denah Weinberg explains, Shabbos is compared to a wedding. We are all present at the huppah with our Creator, as we choose how we will use its time. Understanding Shabbos can lead to more brachas during the coming week. If sleep is an important gift of the day for you, perhaps hear a few of the other blessings also available.