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FE 520
On Passover, the act of speaking at length about Yetzias Mitzrayim is so essential that we are given extra credit for every effort made. Hear why your ability to communicate is one of the primary factors in making us human, and what gives speech so much power. Rabbi Feiner connects this power to the number seven and to accepting the Torah on Shavuos.

LA 031 A
What is Sefiras Haomer supposed to accomplish? This class traces the process humans use to understand anything complex, starting with the finer details before being able to build up to seeing the big picture. Rabbi Lopiansky uses this concept to explain how Pesach, Shavuos, and Succos connect, and our greater ability to see the oneness of G-d that comes along with it.

LZ 529 E
What is so unique about Torah that separates it from any other wisdom in the universe? Rabbi Leff's exposition on letting this Divine knowledge change us to the very core is appropriate for us to hear at this time.

NY 529 B
The final courtship between Hashem and His beloved nation took place under the chuppah at Har Sinai when we pledged ourselves to Him and His Torah. However, the union will only be consecrated when each soul chooses God as their sole desire. Rebbitzen Neustadt's inspiring message sounds a sweet chord for a path in life so many long to discover.

ON 528 A
A: Before discussing the month of Iyar and how it prepares us to accept the Torah, Rabbi Orlowek explains the way to hear a Kabbalistic source, and how one is emotional capacity and intrinsically connected to learning Torah on the deepest level.
B: The month of Iyar was created with the 'Vav,' the sixth letter of the Alef-Beis. The continuity of this letter and the stability within it connects to the essence of our work this month. An esoteric class on Iyar as the bridge from Pesach and Shavuos, which underscores ones individuality.
B: The month of Iyar was created with the 'Vav,' the sixth letter of the Alef-Beis. The continuity of this letter and the stability within it connects to the essence of our work this month. An esoteric class on Iyar as the bridge from Pesach and Shavuos, which underscores ones individuality.

ON 529 B
Shavuos is the holiday we learn how to listen better. On that day we renew our commitment for learning and to remember all we need to do. Rabbi Orlowek explains the four elements to succeed in Torah, and the two fundamental principles to listen more carefully.

ON 529 D
How does one reach a truly meaningful existence? What does the study of Torah have to do with a person's inner fulfillment? Rabbi Orlowek connects the holiday of Shavuos, which celebrates the Jewish people's acceptance of the Torah on Mount Sinai, with discovering your inner essence.

PS 828
Just as on Pesach we are given a clear way to feel freedom, and on Shavuos to taste Torah, on Succos to achieve dveikus, and on Tisha B’Av to experience the highs and lows of the human condition through the Beis Hamikdash. On this day every year Hashem hides His face, as it were, to wear the mask of destruction. However, He leaves a crack to see His love underneath it all.

TE 527 E
The Omer period of seven weeks leading up to kabalat HaTorah also includes the death of Rabbi Akiva's students. Rabbi Tauber ties these three together and how self-respect fully connects you to the word of God, and pinpoints where his students fell short on understanding this message. Hear also how Rabbi Akiva was the example par excellence of realizing his greatest potential - despite his background and late start in life.

WO 529 C
What exactly are we supposed to be doing at kabbalas haTorah? What is naase v'nishma in our day and age? Rabbi Weisz delves into Gemaras on the topic and brings out fascinating truths about how we should relate to this amazing opportunity to bring down Torah each Shavuos and every day of the year.