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Title Match: torah portion
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CA 021
What is the secret of the purity that comes from the ashes of the Red Heifer, and how was it a direct response to the tragic sin of the Golden Calf? Rabbi Carmell delves into the underlying desire that pushed the Jews toward creating this representative of G-d, and how dealing with the stark reality of life and death, and the subsequent sprinkling with the waters gives a perspective on purity.
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GA 021 A
Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.
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GA 021 B
Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.
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WG 021 A
Could the second set of Luchos possibly be considered as holy as the first? Rabi Wagensberg paints a picture of the Luchos as representing the pairing of body and soul, and how the Jews as they prepared to receive Torah actually elevated their body to the level of a neshamah in a way only seen on those holy tablets. How does the holy day of Shabbos represent this idea as well?
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WG 021 D
Why does taking a head count draw down the Evil Eye, and how can did the money collected after the Golden Calf show the way to be protected? Rabbi Wagensberg is entertaining and inspiring as he takes a journey into the salvation of Hashem that can be counted on to spring into play in the blink of an eye, even after we committed a sin as great as the Cheit HaEgel. Not only can we beg G-d to exonerate us, but we can merit reaching levels of holiness previously out of our grasp.
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WG 021 E
The story of the Golden Calf is deflating. How did we sink so low after the great heights of Mattan Torah? Follow Rabbi Wagensberg’s colorful path as he uncovers the greatness within each Jewish soul that even Moshe was unaware of. Learn how the strength of Klal Yisrael can overcome anything in its path to repent for negativity to change no matter what we’ve done or where we’ve been.
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WG 021 G

Often, marriages deteriorate because of the known cliche, "we don't see eye to eye. However, this is because each party is only looking with one eye - the great ego. This is also true in the breakdown of our relationship with the Divine. Sometimes we let self get in our own way and prevent us from truly attaching ourselves from the one above. Although we all need self-confidence, nevertheless, this week, Rabbi Wagensberg stresses the need to adapt a much more humble approach in life in order to reap the fruits of all good things.

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WG 049 E

Rabbi Wagnesberg connects the 37 topics in this week's parsha by weaving a fascinating picture of compassion and cruelty. Despite our tendency to view mercy as a trait that is always good, that may not be the true understanding of what a person in control of all his emotions looks like.

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WG 049 F
If you usually skip over parsha talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg! His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, often coming from a new vantage point.
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WO 021

Join Rabbi Noson Weisz as he explores deeper insights on the weekly parsha, with a philosophical and kabbalistic perspective culled from the Ramban. His straightforward and interesting style will help you relate to the parsha and bring the words to life before you on the page.

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