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Title Match: torah portion
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CA 042/43 A

Moshe's anger at the two and a half tribes for desiring to settle on one side of the Jordan stemmed from his suspicion that they were solely interested in their own welfare at the expense of the rest of the nation. Rabbi Carmell points out the paradoxical state of attempting to perform mitzvos even when it affects others, and urges us to be aware of our own rationalizations.

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GA 010

Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.

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KI 028 A

There are probably few sections of the Torah we find ourselves more removed from then the purification process of a leper. Nevertheless, this topic contains many areas we do learn much from, and continue living with them in different areas of our lives. Rabbi Ari Kahn penetrates into its underlying symbolism. 

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KI 042/43 A
Ever wonder about the sequence and organization of the Torah, and how the structure at times seems to make no sense? Rabbi Kahn puts these two Torah portions into context while shedding light on the theme of ‘spiritualizing the physical world’.
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WG 010 B
We are usually careful to take small firm steps in spiritual growth. Is this because biting off more than we can chew may backfire? Rabbi Wagensberg explains the different 'oasis' in the Jewish year that help us jump into the 8th dimension - which transcends place and time. Channuka, and especially its 8th day is one of them. Click for a whirlwind session on how to grab this opportunity.
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WG 010 C
Did you ever have a dream that felt so real and then suddenly wake up and realize that the whole experience was just a figment of your imagination? Sometimes this is how life itself is, sometimes we make certain choices and get involved in various activities to then later realize that we must have been sleeping when we got involved in those scenarios. We begin to ask ourselves, 'What was I thinking? Was I sleeping?' And the answer often is: Yes. And then sometimes we regret having ever gotten involved to begin with. In this talk, Rabbi Wagensberg once again, reveals to us, another dimension and a different angle, on how to view what happens in our lives. In this class, we will discover how the Chanukah candles with all that they represent, can shed light into the darkest chapters of our lives and wake us up from our slumber.
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WG 042 A

Rabbi Wagensberg takes a close look at the primary functions a human being: thought, speech, and action. Hear how to expand your capacity to define and refine each of these aspects to become the person you truly hope to be.

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WG 042 B

The way to serve G-d is to find a balance between two extremes. How then do we understand the renewed discussion of PinchasåÕs anger at the immorality that took place in Israel that comes up in this parsha as the Jews fight Midyan? WasnåÕt he going overboard? Rabbi Wagensberg discusses holy anger, and how tapping into it can take us above physical desires.

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WG 042/43 E

So many tourists who come to Israel love to make a stopover at the Dead Sea. In this fascinating talk, Rabbi Wagensberg shows just how strategic and critic this region is as this spot really pulls everything together, all the while teaching us a most valuable lesson. That from the lowest comes the highest. After this lecture, the Salt Sea will never be the same and bathing there with take on a whole new dimension of meaning.

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WG 042/43 F

Are you an animal lover? Do you own a dog? Would you like to? It has often been said that a dog is man's best friend. What is this obsession that we have with dogs? This unique, once-in-a-lifetime lecture by Rabbi Wagensberg will not only reveal a mystical side to Perek Shira but will also share a most valuable lesson that we learn from canines.

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