The death of Aharon's two righteous sons is a tough concept to comprehend. Since their behavior stemmed from pure intent, could they have really known how inappropriate it was? Having a higher, objective perspective is an indispensable tool for evaluating your actions, to which Rabbi Carmell explains how to cultivate.
Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.
Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.
The inferno of impurities raged in Egypt, touching every part of the land, along with all its inhabitants. Yet despite the lowliness that engulfed Yaakov's descendants, God's love was full and unconditional - meaning that our connection to Hashem is inseparable, even in Galus. Learn to appreciate how your clarity of this truth can add a new level to your sense of bitachon.
If you usually skip over parsha talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg! His dynamic style gives an exciting twist to each week's parsha, often coming from a new vantage point.
Working hard to reach a goal, and indeed actualizing that dream is a very fulfilling moment. Rabbi Wagensberg urges us not to just stay there. No matter how far weåÕve come, thereåÕs always more to reach and another level to grow to.
The Land of Israel is a place that maximizes holiness and spiritual proclivities. Yet the spies only saw the external aspect of the land, missing the intense greatness within it. Learn what Yehoshua and Calev gained upon entering Eretz Yisrael, and gain powerful lessons about how to appreciate Israel and all it contains within it.
Have you ever wanted to use your eyes "properly" in the full sense of the word? Have you ever wanted to become holier just by eating? Did you ever wish you could use all the lustful passions of the Yetzer Hara and get rewarded for it? Have you ever desired to see things for what they really are? In this lecture, Rabbi Wagensberg draws four lessons from this portion addressing the above questions and will leave us impacted by directing us on a positive path in the future.
Have you ever wondered what moons, Shabbas and strings have in common? Probably knot. Nevertheless we recommend that you tune in to discover what this connection is all about - since, in this weeks Torah portion Rabbi Wagensberg imparts to us the message of selflessness, which should and could stay with us the rest of our lives.
Join Rabbi Noson Weisz as he explores deeper insights on the weekly parsha, with a philosophical and kabbalistic perspective culled from the Ramban. His straightforward and interesting style will help you relate to the parsha and bring the words to life before you on the page.