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CA 019 A
The Mishkan was made of gold, silver, and copper. Why not just from gold, the most precious of all? Rabbi Carmell explains the core properties of each metal and its designated position, and how the three combined reflects human desire and ultimate perfection. Appreciating this principle can be a key to understanding one's avodah.
GA 019
Why did the Torah use the language of taking a donation for God when giving to build the Tabernacle? Weren't we performing a sublime act of giving as we brought material, gold and jewels to be used? Rabbi Geller makes a beautiful point regarding what charity is in reality. He goes on to describe the beautiful garments worn by the priests as they performed the services, and the deeper level of symbolism they represented.
KI 019 A
On Yom Kippur and the 15th of Av, Jewish girls used to dance in the vineyards to attract the young Jewish men into marriage. Such a bizarre practice for a modest Jewish girl to arouse a man’s baser instincts? Listen in as Rabbi Kahn compares this ceremony to the Tabernacle Service - and both to the Revelation at Sinai.
KI 019 C
The Torah portion this week deals with the creation of the Tabernacle after we received the Torah at Mount Sinai. How did our sin of the Golden Calf lead to the creation of a sanctuary for God, and how did it contribute towards our becoming a collective whole? Included is a fascinating insight into why there's an equal measure of good and evil in the world.
WG 019 B
Many feel ashamed of lower passions and desires that are a part of their personality despite true efforts to reach G-d. Is there any hope to be rid of them and reach holiness? Join Rabbi Wagensberg on his journey through the Mishkan, representing the soul of man, as he gives words of encouragement regarding mankind’s possession of negative traits, and how we can use them in the service of G-d.
WG 019 D
There are so many ways to serve G-d. Do we ever get carried away with a specific focus and lose the bigger picture? Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he expounds on the trait of truth and its capacity to view the full picture, and shows how donating all of our small and disparate belongings to the greater goal of the Mishkan holds lessons of reaching greater depths in the understanding of Hashem.
WG 019 E
We gave and gave and gave some more in order to build the Mishkan. What is the right attitude to help us understand who really gained? Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he examines all of the times we put forth effort and belongings in the service of G-d, and proves that the biggest recipient of all is the most counterintuitive: Ourselves.
WG 019 F
Has any effort that you've made ever caught you by surprise and suddenly you saw that if you had been more prepared you would have indeed been more successful? Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he not only guides us on the concept of 'preparedness,' but spells out practical, specific methods to help us focus on the process.
WG 019 H
Tourists from all across the world come to Israel to see perhaps the most visited site THE WESTERN WALL! People have different reactions when they stand next to the holiest place in the world. What does this last remnant of our temple really mean to us? If you should choose to listen to this lecture, Rabbi Wagensberg will forever change the way we approach the Kotel. We will discover what the Temple and its vessels message is, and how relevant they are to every single one of us!
WO 019
Join Rabbi Noson Weisz as he explores deeper insights on the weekly parsha, with a philosophical and kabbalistic perspective culled from the Ramban. His straightforward and interesting style will help you relate to the parsha and bring the words to life before you on the page.