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Title Match: torah portion
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CA 011 B
What's the difference in seizing a moment and maximizing it, or to work for it in a systematic way later on? Follow Rabbi Carmell's analysis of one's desire for growth, and the need to have goals on hand to always move towards, regardless how far you may be from accomplishing it. Using those precious 'moments' in life may bring you to new opening in your life.
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KI 012 B
Is living forever really possible? We learn how Yaakov's challenging life led to his living eternally, and how King David, who also had his share of hard times continues to live - as we sing David Melech Yisrael, Hy V'kayim. Rabbi Kahn shows how the divergent paths of Yaakov and David brought one to the level of Adam before the sin and the other to Adam's level after the sin.
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KI 029 B
On analyzing ancient forms of idol worship, it sounds so bizarre that a parent could offer up their own child by burning them alive to gain a deity's favor? Rabbi Kahn explains the immorality that surrounded those practices and the ways this drive manifests itself today.
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WG 038 I

Korach’s accusations of Moshe may not have been as far from the truth as it may seem. Shocked? Listen in to Rabbi Wagensberg as he weaves an esoteric picture of souls that are destined for greatness and the counterforce of evil that enters the world along with them. Korach’s own character flaws caused him to confuse Moshe with the great leader’s opposite, and wound up destroying him in the process.

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WG 039 J

Moshe’s attempt to provide his nation with water by hitting the rock as opposed to speaking it seems minute in the span of sins possible to commit. Rabbi Wagensberg describes Moshe’s extreme desire for humility that expressed itself in the usage of the staff he carried. Learn about the Divine message of faith and sweetness that was meant to be conveyed by using mouth over force, and the ramifications of Moshe’s mistake.

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WG 040 J

One of the most poisonous attitudes a Jew can take on is a sense of apathy, and a desire to simply get the rituals out of the way so we can continue on with our lives. The enthusiasm that must surround Torah observance can be frightening – as it was to Moav. Why were they scared enough to attempt to curse the Jews, and how did Bilaam himself admit that our fire to serve G-d was something impossible to bring down?

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WG 041 I

The portion of Pinchas falls out during the Three Weeks of tragedy and mourning that culminate with the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash. Join Rabbi Wagensberg to find out how forgetting the Torah is the root of all our sorrows, and dig deeper to comprehend what causes us this clouding of our minds. A fascinating class that ties in the energies of the summer months that were twisted away from their pure source, and gives a deeper understanding of Shabbos and the concept of a Shalom Zachor.

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WG 042 C

Moshe is commanded to go to war, after which he will die. Why is it that the reluctance of his beloved nation to enter into this war shows the greatness of Moshe’s leadership abilities? A captivating class that gives us the tools to understand the greatness of tzaddikim, and the perception to see why those who oppose them must contain a measure of evil within their hearts.

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WG 042/43 C
Rabbi Wagensberg shares a fascinating understanding of how our desires twist our intellectual understanding - even during the times we feel completely objective. Hear how the powerful mitzvah of Tefillin houses the secret to reigning in the desirous heart - and just think - the entire formula neatly rolled within those little black boxes.
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WG 049 A

The Yetzer Hara has multiple tricks up his sleeve for convincing us to slide into negativity. Join Rabbi Wagensberg as he splits all the conniving schemes into four major categories, with instructions on waging war against each. However, it behooves us to keep two thoughts up front so as not to find ourselves two steps behind.

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