The value of a country's justice system's stands or falls on their treatment of two classes of people - criminals, and the poor. We know that the Torah abolished class distinction by upholding an unwavering respect for human life regardless of who the person is. If so, isn't it strange that the Torah begin its legal code with the laws about Jewish slaves, and a destitute father who is forced to sell his daughter into servitude?
Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.
Upon being offered the Torah, the Jewish nation lovingly responded Na'aseh ViNishma (we will do and we will hear.) We also learn that the Jewish people were practically forced into accepting the Torah. Regarding this is an obscure and cryptic statement by the Vilna Gaon that we almost guarantee to change your life forever.
How does one become a pious person? One opinion says by following the laws of damages, another says by following Pirkei Avos, and yet another from knowing the laws of brachos. Rabbi Wagensberg weaves together this advanced talk on the subject, plus a novel idea on doing chesed towards ourselves. Buckle up!
X-ray vision? The Torah’s power gives us the capacity to see far further than we would imagine. Join Rabbi Wensberg as he explores the spiritual greatness of previous generations. Truly acquiring Torah knowledge in its fullest sense comes along with an ability to understand things much further than what is presented on the surface.
Jewish slaves seem quite far from modern day ideas. Rabbi Wagensberg looks at the deeper underpinnings of these halachos, examining what it takes to be a true servant of G-d. Hear some fascinating stories and lessons about doing mitzvos without thinking about what’s in it for us, and the fundamental difference between gentile and Jewish slaves. Which side do we fall out on?
Those gift advertisements for the man who has everything seems especially apropos when considering God. After all, there is nothing we can give Him, is there? Rabbi Wagensberg begs to differ, pointing out just how much it means to our Creator when we earn the gifts He gives us.
We've all had moments in our life that we would prefer to forget, do to some mistakes that we made. Sometimes these episodes get us so bummed out that we feel paralyzed to move forward thinking that we are ruined for life. If what you just read, resonates with you then this talk with Rabbi Wagensberg is an absolute must! Listen and become empowered with the self confidence to know that there is a place deep, deep inside of us that is so holy it is beyond the impurities of sin and that we can always go back to that place and start over again.
Mishpatim: The Moon will Come up Tomorrow Wagensberg We all struggle through challenges in life, during these trying times we could all use a strong dose of emunah and bitachon (faith and trust in G-d). In this lecture, Rabbi Wagensberg shares with us how to obtain this faith and trust in G-d. In the process an inner dimension of celebrating Rosh Chodesh will be revealed, which will prepare us for what is yet to come in the Messianic era. Click here and you'll see what I mean.
Join Rabbi Noson Weisz as he explores deeper insights on the weekly parsha. His interesting straightforward philosophical style and kabbalistic perspective is culled from the Ramban to help us relate to the parsha in a way that brings extra life into to each concept. Look for his new book entitled "Prayer Works."