The brothers were men of such piety and integrity that they even 'convinced' G-d to go along with their plan to sell Yosef. And yet we are told that it wasn't the correct action to take. How can we understand the brothers' underlying motivation of hatred that even they were in the dark about?
Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.
Yaakov's decision to lie to his father at his mother's behest is not so simple. Rabbi Kahn looks at each decision Yaakov made and the ramifications he and Rivka suffered as a result. A fascinating look at the complexities of making decisions, and the people who make them.
One of the most dramatic episodes in the bible is when Joseph's brothers sell him into slavery. But this fascinating narrative is abruptly interrupted by an apparently unrelated licentious meeting of Judah and Tamar. Rabbi Kahn rearranges the puzzle pieces showing how both events were essential for sowing the seeds of the Messianic Age.
How would you define the difference between a righteous person and one who personifies evil? Rabbi Leff delivers a fascinating class on the need for goals and generating an ambition to truly succeed in life. Just as Yaakov’s aspirations helped him reach his potential, the same process can help us overcome the fear of failure.
Often, we have our own ideas as to what the right thing is to do and generally formulate very strong opinions. But once the will of G-d becomes crystallized, we must have the ability to surrender our own positions and bow to the Divine Ratzon. In this talk, Rabbi Wagensberg has us thinking about our own lives where we held our positions for the principle of the matter, and makes us wonder whether this was the correct approach.
We all have our tests in life. Sometimes they seem to overwhelm us. Sometimes we actually feel that thunder clouds are gathering above us that are creating a very tense darkness. In this talk, Rabbi Wagensberg will give us the stamina to walk in the footsteps of Abraham our ancestor, who was equally tested of greatness and surmounted them!
Ever wonder why Torah study is considered the basis for all of Judaism? Climb the ladder Yaakov saw in his dream to uncover esoteric hints of all the three Avos and their life's mission. Find out how Yaakov's hold on Torah not only protected him from all harm, but became the foundation of all else afterward.
Rabbi Wagensberg gave this talk when Chanukah coincided with Parshas Vayeishev. He looks into the parsha and pesukim about Chanukah to answer many questions that arise, including halachos about Chanukah, the menorah in the time of the Beis Hamikdash, and more! Rabbi Wagensberg also explores the idea of outer and inner light and the way it corresponds to different types of wisdom. A very interesting talk!
Yosef's wife Osnas is a personality whose history is shrouded in mystery. In this electrifying episode Rabbi Wagensberg reveals Osnas's secret identity and in the process, reveals Yosef's true identity. Along the way, Rabbi Wagensberg will point out the connection between purity of speech and sanctity of circumcision and its power to provide all the overabundant good that this world has to offer.