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tu b'shvat
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FE 571
Shvat is the Rosh Hashanah of Ilanos - of Trees. The Zodiac sign of this month is portrayed by a bucket. The symbolism of trees growing, and buckets pouring water to nourish growth is very similar to a person's spiritual growth. Rabbi Feiner packs the classes with amazing information and wisdom.

GA 571
Judaism devotes a full day to celebrate the nobility of trees. Rabbi Geller presents an upbeat overview of the comparisons made from trees to man, and from water to Torah. And how mixing these core elements creates great top soil for meaningful growth. The joyous Tu B'shvat celebration is described with using many exotic fruits to accentuate its message.

LZ 571
Join Rabbi Leff for a mystical look at the wonders of a tree - from its roots till the tips of its leaves. Hear the direct correlation to our own growth process, and when and how to prune excess 'branches' that will continuously sap our energy.

TE 925
Even if man is likened to a tree, the comparison doesn't seem so positive when comparing it to the original trees in Gan Eden. Haven't we learned that those trees disobeyed Hashem by not making their wood as edible as their fruit? Rabbi Tauber shows how the story may have been misunderstood, and shares the wisdom the Torah intended to convey.

WG 016 G
Hidden deep within the spiritual song the Jews sang at the Yam Suf is the power of reviving the dead. Don’t see it? Follow Rabbi Wagensberg’s esoteric path as he discovers the brilliant spiritual light hidden after Creation and what occurred when Hashem revealed it once more.