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GA 048

Rabbi Avi Geller's series on the entire five books of Judaism is delivered with lively enthusiasm and humor. Each weekly talk is a whirlwind tour of all the events of that week's Torah portion, plus major commentaries and explanations of fundamental concepts of Judaism.

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KI 048 A
We are so used to a democratic judicial structure in society that it is difficult to grapple with the true merits of the system. The Torah judicial system is very different. Rabbi Kahn analyzes the distinctions and shows how the Torah's legal structure will upgrade society as a whole.
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LA 048 A
The role of a Navi to Klal Yisrael may often appear similar to its parallel, the belief in kishuf (magic). Rabbi Lopiansky asks what's so wrong following the wondrous path of nature as opposed to choosing to understand the path that transcends nature? Hear how prophecy links man to God.
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LA 048 B
Is there any truth to black magic, or maybe it's just a big hoax? If so, why do sources say that using impure forces for divining the future will only produce shallow results? A fascinating and deep discussion that compares and contrasts kishuf and nevuah, and what is the best way to follow to discover the truth.
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RS 048 A

It's easy to judge others and decide if they were right or wrong in their action - but it is exceedingly difficult to pass judgment on ourselves and the true motivations for what we do. Yet not only is that expected of us, but setting up guidelines to enforce the verdict we have given ourselves is also expected. An excellent connection of the parsha to the world of every day action.

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RS 048 B

How does haughtiness affect many other character traits, and conversely, how is humility a shortcut to achieving yiras shamayim? Hear an incredible story about Rabbi Chaim Kafusi, who was a Rav in Egypt, and the power of refusing to accept bribes. And is it enough to refrain from wrongdoing, or are we expected to actively do good?

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WG 048

It's easy to look pious. We can fool most of the world most of the time - and sadly, we can even pull the wool over our own eyes. But does that external mask match our internal world? How can we check that our lives are being lived with an integrity that extends to all levels of who we are?

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WG 048 C
The times we are on a spiritual upswing are glorious. Our lives feel fulfilling and joyful, and we canåÕt do enough to serve Hashem. But the lows that everyone experiences can be devastating. In this valuable class, Rabbi Wagensberg explains how we can be expected to be close to Hashem even at those moments.
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WG 048 D

If you usually skip over the parsha talks, give a listen to Rabbi Wagensberg. Besides his unique presentation and dynamic style he adds an exciting twist to each week's parsha, often coming from a new vantage point.

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WO 048

Join Rabbi Noson Weisz as he explores deeper insights on the weekly parsha, with a philosophical and kabbalistic perspective culled from the Ramban. His straightforward and interesting style will help you relate to the parsha and bring the words to life before you on the page.

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