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WN 002 D
The flood during Noah’s time wiped out all mankind. Yet Noah was also held responsible. Why? Rav Noah gives an insightful class on how easy it is to turn the blind eye of indifference away from the terrible suffering in the world. But if we can't do anything to change it, why suffer? Gain a potent tool for assessing your unique potential to care.
WN 005 B
Avraham earned Hashem’s approval from his ability to be kind to every human being. His daughter-in-law Rivkah also excelled in chesed, despite her sordid upbringing. What lifts a person to such levels of love and reaching out? Follow Rav Noah as he proves that everyone can learn to be a true chesed personality.
WN 520 A
What is freedom? Rav Naoh challenges the usual definitions by forcing us to consider the following: can you picture yourself enslaved on all sides by a hostile world? Now, can you picture yourself breaking free of those shackles - to live in ways you've dreamed about, but never thought possible?
WN 548 E
The dancing and joy in the Beis Hamikdash during Sukkot was unmatched in the world. Rav Noah relates powerful stories about Jews who found incredible happiness in their fate as Jews from Russia to the Holocaust - using the threads of joy woven into our undestructible heritage.
WN 550 C
Chanuka takes us back to the immense victory of a small guerilla army over the massive Greek power machine. But isn't God's doing miracles every moment the point of the holiday? Rav Noah drives home a different message - how the mesiras nefesh for Hashem was so vibrant at the time, and directs us in his final public talk how to reach that same level of selflessness for God today.
WN 553 D
Esther's protest against Mordechai's suggested suicide mission was eminently logical. Listen to Rav Noah's understanding of the Purim story, and how Ta'anis Esther caps our blast-off into one bold path leading to Joy.
WN 687 C1
It's so easy to move blindly through life without thinking about what we're doing or what we believe in. Rav Noah z"l reminds us that Hashem gives us the strength to accomplish whatever He desires from us - and warns how the self-incriminating evidence in our lives will prove us guilty if we do not pay attention to it.
WN 935 E
There are six thoughts we are meant to keep active at all times. Rav Noah expounds on God’s existence, His oneness, our love and fear of Him, and the negative commands not to believe in another or to follow the desires of our eyes and heart. Learn these ideas in a way they'll jump to mind as you need them.
WN 960
At an informal chat with his students Rav Noah Weinberg was asked for his story. He describes all the different programs and yeshivas he founded and closed before Aish caught fire. It is so incredible and seems nearly untrue how one man began this huge kiruv organization that spans continents and teaches Toras chaim worldwide.
WNS 014 A
What does it really take to accept the Torah? Rav Weinberg takes a critical look at the Jewish preparation for that momentous daybreak at Mt Sinai. Hear the overall sense of unity, common purpose and desire for spiritual greatness they shared.