Rebbi Eliezer was an exceptionally brilliant sage. Yet till the age of 27 his brain was on pause. His great desire to learn Torah was expressed the only way he knew how, by crying. Learn what it takes to really really cry - till your deepest longing becomes a vivid reality. Rav Noah also shares how Aish HaTorah’s name was born.
Do you believe in the Torah's innate power to affect personal change? Hear how the Torah's prototype, Rabbi Akiva, was transformed from an ignoramus to the leader of the Jewish People. Rav Noah shows each of us how we have achieved much more than we realize, and how much change is within our reach during the month before Rosh Hashanah.
What are you really living for? Hear one of Rav Noah's engaging Elulshmoozen for extra chizuk, inspiration and a new approach for changing gears. Start the month of teshuva one step ahead.
The Ten Days of Teshuvah, which culminate on Yom Kippur, is the time to speed up the job of clearing the decks, So don't let the past weigh you down says Rabbi Weinberg. But how? If we have many mistakes to regret, won't we just give up? Hear the seven preparatory steps for a good head start to bring about lasting changes.
Does God really exist, and did He actually speak to the Jewish People on Mount Sinai? This 4-part down to earth series opens with a discussion on how people are either influenced to believe a certain way, or are given the space and intellectual respect to reach their own conclusions. A classic series on a basic and important topic.
Does God really exist, and did He really 'speak' to the Jewish People at Mount Sinai? This part of the series opens with the case of being a devil's advocate, what inner mechanism tells us when we are sure about something, whether we're relying on our perception or emotional rationalization, and a way to test how passionate we are for the truth. With these valuable tools you will know more about the nature of existence than 99.99% of mankind.
Does God really exist and did He really speak to the Jewish People at Mount Sinai? This 4-part series opens with a discussion of how people are either influenced to believe certain things or are given the space and intellectual respect to come to their own conclusions. Hear 7 classical categories of evidence of both His existence and His speaking directly to the Jewish Nation on Mount Sinai.
Rather than viewing the mitzvos as something that we should just
be very well-versed in, we have to take the steps to do them well and make
sure that we're serious about getting it right. Hear this great series about
living and enjoying Torah.
Rather than viewing the mitzvos as something that we should just
be very well-versed in, we have to take the steps to do them well and make
sure that we're serious about getting it right. Hear this great series about
living and enjoying Torah.
Rather than viewing the mitzvos as something that we should just
be very well-versed in, we have to take the steps to do them well and make
sure that we're serious about getting it right. Hear this great series about
living and enjoying Torah.