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Berkovits, Rav Yitzchak on |
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Of course we accepted the Torah with the words na'aseh ve'nishmah. But often we don't realize that despite defining ourselves as religious Jews, we may be contradicting our beliefs with our actions. Rav Berkovits speaks about our reactions when things go wrong and learning to accept a path to perfection that may diverge from our own agenda.

What is the chiyuv of Kiruv Rechokim? This shiur explores all the halachic obligations from 'Kiddush HaShem' to 'arvus'. Rav Berkovits emphasizes how our fulfillment of Taryag Mitzvos is contingent upon the current level of observance of the Jewish nation as a whole.

What if my doing kiruv will make a big dent in my Torah learning, to the extent that in some years time I'll be a totally different person? Am I allowed to break other mitzvos for kiruv - after all, it's spiritual pikuach nefesh. Hear how, when, and how far.

"I'm just not cut out to do Kiruv." "I'd never know what to answer." "I'd rather not get involved in certain topics of conversation." Any of these thoughts ever run through your head? But would you allow those very excuses to stop you from keeping one of the 613 mitzvos - say, Shabbos? Kiruv is a responsibility as strong as any of those. Hear why - and how to fulfill it.

Even the Chasam Sofer, who is known for his policy of isolationism in the face of the growing haskala movement in Hungary felt strongly that kiruv is must. Rav Berkovits culls far ranging proofs for the requirement to be mekarev those far from Torah, along with giving encouragement to begin doing so yourself. It can help develop your own emunah - and it may be easier than you think.

For those unfamiliar with the basis of how Judaism operates, the easiest target people use to dismiss the whole subject is the oral law. Rav Berkovits presents a totally open and comprehensive picture of the Oral Law's limitations and authority, and its uncanny ability to weather every storm.