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Title Match: Goldfinger, Dr. Andrew
Goldfinger, Dr. Andrew on  aishAudio
Dr. Goldfinger is a doctor of theoretical physics with a Masters degree in counseling. He is currently the Assistant Supervisor of the Space Department Mission Concept and Analysis Group at Johns Hopkins University. He has been Director of Space Technology Training for the Republic of China and a number of other groups working in space technology. He is a popular speaker for Aish HaTorah's Discovery seminar.
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GL 801 B
Were you ever disturbed by the thought that Torah is an illogical and superstitious old belief that has no bearing on today's reality? Listen to a remarkable spin on the 'creation' narrative which seriously questions this perception. Dr. Goldfinger suggests how Torah and modern science are not the diametric opposites they are made out to be.
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Intro 1 Cart Unit 
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GL 805


Thinking that Judaism is a random integration of mitzvahs and laws is not really what it's all about. Hear how all the mitzvahs complement and interact with each other to reach one singular goal - to make the world a better place to live. Sample commandments are given that demonstrate this power to those willing to give it a try.


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